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 @9N2FJTH from Texas answered…6 days6D

No regulation. If anything, they minimum property size should be raised to stop full stripping of land for sub developments.

 @RobinHoude from Georgia answered…7 days7D

No, green space and park requirements would undermine housing density and would likely restrict access to those green spaces to residents of the development only. Green spaces and parks should be provided by the city under public ownership

 @9MWD63L from California answered…1wk1W

This should be decided locally, but yes green spaces and parks ought to be an important consideration in housing development

 @9MW4YG5 from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

A certain percentage of the land should be required to include green spaces or recreational spaces for residences and the environmental impact.

 @9MSWNPV from Massachusetts answered…1wk1W

Yes green space with minimal upkeep, but not in a Single family community where they already have yard spaces.

 @9MSGYVD from Illinois answered…1wk1W

No, deregulate property development and reduce the scope of zoning laws so that developers and local governments can provide these amenities as they are demanded by the consumer.

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