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 @9K99V29  from Florida answered…2wks2W

Yes, as long as it's only shared with regulators and not the public except in the cases of harm or abuse

 @9MNGKL2 from Indiana answered…2wks2W

 @9N295MR  from Nevada answered…6 days6D

No, but there should be at least some type of change in transparency especially with TOS in most cases like this b/c they tend to make their TOS super long purposefully so you don't read it. It should be required to be simplified to 1 page so that everyone who buys their product understand their rights throughly.

 @9MXQBBM from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

Big tech should not be allowed to manipulate the public, or hinder the rights to free speech based on their corporate leaders own beliefs.

 @9MXMZZP from Florida answered…1wk1W

There needs to be a system of checks and balances to ensure the 1st amendment is protected and that big tech is not using their power to sensor people they disagree with.

 @9MWX9T3 from Connecticut answered…1wk1W

Companies should disclose the intentions of their algorithms without giving away technical information.

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