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 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

No, local governments and zoning boards should reform zoning laws to allow higher density building and to help construct more housing than there is demand

 @9N2NDHJ from California answered…6 days6D

Again depends. Where is the subsidy coming from? People are already taxed to death. We need to promote responsibility.

 @9MZC778 from Virginia answered…7 days7D

 @9MYMGYN from Georgia answered…1wk1W

Yes, and the definition of affordable needs to be based on no more than 1/3 of income.

 @9MXZ457 from Kansas answered…1wk1W

I think some housing should be made for very low-income individuals and families. However, consistent and good outreach homeless assistance and an affordable housing overall would be best

 @9MX26BJ from Florida answered…1wk1W

No, repeal NIMBY zoning laws that restrict the building of affordable housing instead

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