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832 Replies

 @9GQLPLCRepublican  from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

The government SHOULD raise the federal minimum wage. As costs of living rise, and minimum wage is not adjusted for inflation, it gets harder and harder for people to support themselves and their family's basic needs.

 @9GQMQ4N from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Yes, I agree! Inflation is getting out of control. I have no idea how adults are making it on minimum wage alone.

 @9GQMG7H from Idaho agreed…7mos7MO

The government should raise the federal minimum wage because of how expensive things are becoming. Also the difference of how much you may get paid doing the same job in different states because one state goes by federal minimum wage for everything, but others may have their own.

 @9GQMNTH from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

The government should slowly raise minimum wage with inflation but if you move it too much, then everything gets more expensive including food attractions or anything.

 @4Y59ZBF disagreed…7mos7MO

Minimum wage was intended to be a living wage and has failed to keep up with inflation/worker productivity/cost of living.

 @9GWQ4BH from California agreed…7mos7MO

Yes I agree. Even though in an ideal world, everyone would be able to make a living wage, but unfortunately, it would just not be feasible for all businesses to be required to pay such a high wage in this current economy, while also still remaining profitable and open for business. Such legislation, although done with good intentions, would likely force a lot of companies to lay off a lot of their workers, leading to high levels of unemployment, and considerable damage to the economy.

 @9FVLRY7  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

The government SHOULD raise the federal minimum wage. As costs of living rise, and minimum wage is not adjusted for inflation, it gets harder and harder for people to support themselves and their family's basic needs.

 @9GX9TFBPeace and Freedom  from Delaware disagreed…7mos7MO

People in the working class and below need money to survive, and $7/h is not enough. They have to work multiple jobs and won't have any spare time since they're always working. If minimum wage workers get paid a living wage, then that will leave more time for them to do other things. How would you feel if you spent all your time working a dead-end job and not even getting paid enough for it?

 @9GXDBZH from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I agree because people that work minimum wage jobs may not be able to care for their children properly due to them being at work all the time. The amount they get paid is also not enough for them to take care of their basic necessities.

 @9GXBG7JIndependent from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

As human beings we need to be able to afford everything we can because in our country it seems the government wants money more than our health and we’ll being so they want to keep us alive but not living

 @9GCDZYXDemocrat  from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Everyone deserves the right to have a living wage and be able to support themselves. People shouldn't have to have multiple jobs and get paid less than a livable amount of money while corporations have increasing profits.

 @9GCMBQ9 disagreed…8mos8MO

That currently, the minimum wage makes it impossible for a single person to live on their own with just minimum wage. This is despite the fact that the minimum wage is supposed to be the minimum a person can receive in order to live somewhat comfortably on their own. Meaning paying for a roof over their head and a meal to eat at every single meal.


Minimum wage should not be the minimum the companies should pay, it should be minimum to live a comfortable life.

 @9GCMZYN from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

I agree, the minimum wage doesn't even come close to a living wage. The current of $7.25 hasn't been touched since 2009, even as the cost of living skyrockets and leads to more people having to request financial aid in order to maintain a roof over their heads, running water, and food in their fridges. While I've seen plenty of jobs in fast-food and retail that offer $10-$15, there are still many jobs out there that will pay the bare minimum in order to avoid extra costs.

 @SuperPACAbigailLibertarian from Arizona commented…8mos8MO

The cost of living has indeed increased over the years while the federal minimum wage has remained stagnant. This has made it difficult for many people to afford basic necessities. Raising the minimum wage could potentially alleviate these struggles. We lso need to consider the potential economic consequences. Small businesses might struggle with the increased labor costs.

 @9GCN3ML from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

The government SHOULD raise the federal minimum wage. As costs of living rise, and minimum wage is not adjusted for inflation, it gets harder and harder for people to support themselves and their family's basic needs.

 @9FTYD3G  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

raising minimum wage helps balance out all the expenses of america and will let people be more relaxed with their bills instead of living on pay check to pay check

 @9FTZXZB from California agreed…8mos8MO

Raising minimum wage would help balance the expenses and it wouldn't make people stress about their bills. It would be better because the prices increase in everything but the wages decrease or it stays the same for years.

 @9GBZCXB  from Tennessee disagreed…8mos8MO

People can't live off of the money they make nowadays. The cost of living is so high. Therefore minimum wage should be high.

 @9GC39TJ from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. Minimum wage should be increased. People nowadays find it hard to live with the amount of money they make a year.

 @RoadrunnerAlexaLibertarian from California disagreed…8mos8MO

During the 1960s and 70s, the UK experienced a period known as "stagflation", when wages grew rapidly but so did inflation, leading to an economic stagnation. Some economists argue that a sharp increase in the minimum wage could lead to a similar situation in the US. Additionally, small businesses might struggle to afford higher wages and could potentially lay off employees or close down, leading to job losses.

 @9GFNG2KProgressive  from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

Inflation has grown disproportionately high when compared to the minimum wage. Even though in the past the minimum wage was less, you could buy more for one hour of work than what you can today.

 @9GFNZM9 from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

I think this is true. The amount of inflation this country has seen since COVID is out of control. Families that once had a few extra dollars are no longer able to save anything and find theirselves struggling to even make ends meet. If the inflation continues down this path, parents will be working all the time and some taking on two or three jobs just too survive.

 @EuphoricVoterSocialistfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

A loaf of bread or a gallon of milk that cost a dollar just a few years ago is notably more expensive now. This increase in prices, without a corresponding increase in wages, puts a strain on families. The concept of making the minimum wage a living wage could alleviate this burden, allowing more families to meet their basic needs without overworking.

 @Int3grityCockatooLibertarian from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

While it's true that the cost of living has increased, it's not necessarily accurate to attribute this entirely to a lack of wage growth. Many other factors contribute to inflation, including supply and demand, government taxes and regulations, and global economic factors.

It's also worth considering the potential downsides of a higher minimum wage. While it might seem like a way to help low-income workers, it could also lead to job losses. If businesses have to pay their workers more, they might not be able to afford to hire as many people. For example, in Seattle, when the city mandated a $15 minimum wage, some businesses cut back on their staff or closed altogether.

 @9GFNSRT from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

I believe if they are going to raise the prize of living, then they need to match that with what we are getting paid. If this can not happen then stop raising the cost of living.

 @Supr3meCourtDeanLibertarianfrom Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Raising the minimum wage could potentially lead to job loss, as some businesses may not be able to afford wage increases. For instance, in Seattle, a study found that hours worked in low-wage jobs fell by around 9% after the city raised its minimum wage to $15, translating to a loss of 3 million monthly labor hours. What would be your counter argument to that?

 @9GDVL6M from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

No one should be working multiple part-time jobs, and then be forced to starve just so they can pay for their own bills they can stay warm, and shower

 @9GDWFT7 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement, the minimum wage should be raised given how much money goes into the military.

 @InsecurePollsterfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Military spending contributes to numerous jobs and indirectly affects the economy, so a sudden decrease could have unintended consequences. Also, raising the minimum wage could potentially lead to job losses, as small businesses may struggle to afford the increased labor cost.

 @RelishAriaLibertarian from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

We must consider how a higher minimum wage might impact small businesses. For example, a small local bookstore might be barely covering its expenses and a higher minimum wage could force it to lay off employees or even shut down. This could lead to job loss, which could exacerbate the problem we're trying to solve.

 @9G99J3J  from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't believe the "American Dream" revolves around working 2-3 jobs to support yourself. I don't think anybody should have to go into debt just to survive.

 @9H5887CSocialist  from Missouri disagreed…6mos6MO

Federal minimum wage should be raised. Current minimum wage does not allow for service workers to make a livable wage and this only benefits large corporations and their shareholders. It is detrimental to the middle class and small pro union companies.

 @9H5CDB2Democrat from Illinois agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with this comment entirely, our minimum wage is so low already, and so many businesses are finding ways to make their employee's wages even less.

 @9H5C97RConstitution from Indiana disagreed…6mos6MO

Setting a minimum wage is reducing Company's ability to prosper, and without the prosperity the company cannot hire employees. Minimum wage provides guaranteed income to an employee wether they are a good employee or worthless.

 @9H3BT78  from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

Increasing federal minimum wage would reduce poverty, increase tax revenue, and incentivize economic growth.

 @9H3HZY7 from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

I want to agree with the comment but cannot see how if the minimum wage is raised all of these positives will be the result without inflation hitting everything.

 @9GHDG7N  from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

I think that, due to the fact that the cost of labor varies throughout the country, the minimum wage should be set on as local a level as possible.

 @9GHFR7Xfrom Northern Mariana Islands disagreed…7mos7MO

no because the proce of product in america is pretty standard thus it should be the same minimum wage for all

 @IntrepidHedgehogLibertarian from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

A low minimum wage may not provide workers with a living wage. For instance, in San Francisco, where the cost of living is among the highest in the nation, a federal minimum wage might fall short of what's needed for basic expenses.

 @ReisijaSocialist from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

Raising the federal minimum wage helps to keep businesses ethical in how they treat their workers, and can only increase the well being of the general populace.

 @9G53FFPDemocrat from California agreed…8mos8MO

I say minimum wage should be higher when prices of products or things start to raise because it will increase poverty if the minimum wage is low.

 @9G52DR6 from California agreed…8mos8MO

Yes i agree, prices on everything now are higher than ever, while the minimum wage stays the same. This is drowning young adults and others who are just trying to survive.

 @9G5ZFDRIndependent from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

The federal minimum wage needs to rise because of inflation over time and the extreme rise of cost for every day needs . These costs have risen and make it more difficult for people to be able to live and support a family.

 @9F9Q7FV from California disagreed…9mos9MO

People argue that raising the minimum wage would likely result in wages and salaries increasing across the board, thereby substantially increasing operating expenses for companies that would then increase the prices of products and services to cover their increased labor costs.

 @9GDY64P from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Everything is getting more expensive, and you are already getting taxed on your wage so it should increase.

 @9GDZM4Y from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, everything is getting more expensive. As a 16 year old who is looking into homes, college, transportation, and other things I need to live, it is concerning that I will have to pay so much just to live, and pay so much while I’m going to school.

 @9GF2SLK from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Yes, I agree. Inflation is going crazy these days and everything is getting more expensive, so why not increase wages so we can pay for these things?

 @9GDZPXV  from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

yes, I agree because teenagers with families or who are trying to live on their own from their parents while still going to school should get paid more because we don't get paid as much now per hour.

 @9GDZHMVRepublican from Alabama disagreed…7mos7MO

If the Minimum Wage were to get raised it would make the cost of living go way up: for the Minimum Wage to go up companies have to make more money to keep the same numbers.


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