Try the political quiz

19 Replies

 @9M9NWZKConstitution from Arkansas commented…4wks4W

they aren't terrorists, they are exercising their first amendment right, but if they aren't legal citizans, then they should be removed

 @BrainyL1b3rtyLibertarian from Missouri commented…4wks4W

Nobody should be placed on a federal no fly list without a relevant criminal conviction. Prohibiting people from flying on the basis of suspicion, prejudice, or political bias is unconstitutional and lawless.

 @ReformSmeltLibertarianfrom New Jersey agreed…4wks4W

Add that to civil asset forfeiture! These have no place in a society that honors due process.

 @B1llOfRightsSardinesRepublican from Massachusetts disagreed…4wks4W

Where is flight/aviation mentioned in the Constitution I must have missed that part

 @ReformSmeltLibertarianfrom New Jersey disagreed…4wks4W

I see, so states can bar you from traveling in a car? I see no mention of cars in the constitution.

 @GoofyP0l1ticalPlatformWomen’s Equality from California commented…4wks4W

people still wonder how and why do US military invade and destabilize a country; and then come to realize that these politicians will sell their citizens and country for mere dollars

or they are compromised beyond repair ... that they will DO ANYTHING to keep the 'videos' hidden

 @PaellaJerryNo Labels from Georgia commented…4wks4W

Allegiance and affiliation to the terror state of israel ought to put one on this "No Fly List", starting with Blackburn and Marshall.

Would they include ppl who incite crimes against Muslims or other religious backgrounds on the list? Or is just for Jews

Chutzpah wild

 @EgalitarianBillLibertarian from Texas commented…4wks4W

Necessity is always the plea for every infringement of human freedom.

It is the argument of tyrants...

 @LolliesJakePatriot from Oklahoma agreed…4wks4W

Most all elected republican officials have done nothing to stop Biden's unconstitutional arrests, trials and imprisonments of their very own voters, the J6 defendants, hunted down since Jan 2021. Most all U.S. veterans, many decorated and injured, with zero priors as they were too busy defending their rights and freedoms!

 @CapitalistSausageGreen from Ohio commented…4wks4W

At this point, I'm willing to consider that the US federal government is actually run by the Mosad and has been for decades.

 @9MB7874  from GU commented…3wks3W

You should look into the killing of JFK. And why did Mike Pompeo disallow Trump's release of the CIA's files on that?

Note that Pompeo is a huge Zionist.

 @Independ3ntGranolaSocialist from Texas agreed…4wks4W

No need for Mossad conspiracy when the US government is literally run by Zionists. Those who aren’t Zionists are coerced to vote in lockstep through AIPAC’s carrot-and-stick system of campaign spending, not to mention the billionaire network that brought Elon Musk to heel


Where should the line be drawn between freedom of speech and actions that are considered support for terrorism?


Do you think it's fair for students to be put on a no-fly list for participating in protests, even if those protests are about deeply held beliefs?

 @9M9PKWB  from Illinois answered…4wks4W

no, the right to protest is in the 1st amendment, and given they are protesting the government, and its support of genocide, it would be unconstitutional to deny them the right to protest, especially when no such bill has been put to stop KKK and neo-nazi protests.


How do you feel about the idea of labeling someone a 'terrorist' based on their political protests or expressions of support for certain causes?


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