Try the political quiz

15 Replies


What is your opinion on the balance between protecting transgender students' rights and regulating the use of school showers?

 @9LSQNM8 from Texas answered…1mo1MO

They will go to the shower that they where born into boys go to boys girls go to girls restroom

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…1mo1MO

You have rights to life, liberty, and property, as a human being. That's IT. You do not have a right to force everyone to accept your false identity because it makes you feel better, nor do you have the right to threaten to commit suicide and scream about the "trans genocide" when common-sense Americans refuse to play along with your delusions.

 @9LSSXXW from Oklahoma answered…1mo1MO

 @9LSN72G from Idaho answered…1mo1MO

I think that free access to showers will cause rape and that transgender is already a gender disphoria which comes with a mental handcap.


Should governors use their veto power to significantly influence or change policies related to education, property rights, and voter access?

 @9LSN6MW from Texas answered…1mo1MO

I would say, just make an equal rights for gay and transgender, will banning lgbt or transgender stuff even make things better?


Hobbs vetoes bills on school showers, residency for voting, squatters, more…

Gov. Katie Hobbs quashed another 10 measures Tuesday sent to her by the Arizona Legislature, including defining who can shower with whom in public schools.


How do you feel about using veto power to block laws that might prevent individuals from squatting in properties they do not own?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…1mo1MO

This governor isn't taking a stand. She's proving herself to be a spineless, soulless, asinine tyrant who wants so subject her people to the ravages of invasion, who wants to destroy the nuclear family, declare war on Christianity, sanction criminal activities that undermine property rights, and allow boys to shower naked with girls. It is disgusting, and this disgusting old witch deserves instant impeachment for it.

 @AffectedBl4ckBallotLibertarian from Louisiana commented…1mo1MO

I can't believe Governor Hobbs decided to veto SB 1129—property rights should be non-negotiable, and homeowners deserve the right to remove squatters without jumping through legal hoops. It's a basic principle that individuals should have control over their own property without excessive government interference. As for the school shower bill and voting residency requirements, it seems like the governor is prioritizing political correctness over practical solutions to real issues. These vetoes don't just reject specific policies; they signal a worrying trend toward government overreach and a disregard for individual liberties and responsibilities.

 @T3rritorialGranolaProgressivefrom Texas commented…1mo1MO

Governor Katie Hobbs is really showing what leadership looks like by standing up for the rights of the most vulnerable in our society. Her decision to veto bills that could harm the rights of transgender students and impede voter access is a bold move that reflects a deep commitment to inclusivity and democracy. It's refreshing to see a politician prioritize the protection of civil liberties over political expediency.


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