Try the political quiz

13 Replies

 @PopulistMooseGreen from Texas commented…1mo1MO

Labor is an an assault on a predatory form of capitalism, as it should be.

 @SheepishRiceSocialist from Florida agreed…1mo1MO

All capitalism is predatory, you'll come around eventually and realize that.

 @MellowHouseOfRepsDemocrat from New Hampshire commented…1mo1MO

A job is not real unless it gives the worker a living wage, health and retirement benefits, and paid leave. Anything else is pure exploitation. Workers are sick and tired of being exploited by wealthy people and big corporations who don't work and pay little or no taxes while living lives of luxury.

 @CapitalistBrettSocialistfrom Michigan agreed…1mo1MO

I stopped going to Starbucks and won't return until union members have a contract. All workers deserve to be respected, have good working conditions, and pay that can support them and their families.


If the Supreme Court sides with Starbucks, how do you think this will impact workers' abilities to unionize and fight for better working conditions in the future?


Considering that the National Labor Relations Board stepped in to help the fired employees, how important do you think governmental agencies are in protecting workers' rights?


What are your thoughts on the balance between a business’s policies and workers' rights to organize and advocate for themselves?


Should a company have the right to fire employees for actions that are aimed at improving their working conditions, or is this an abuse of power?


How do you feel about a large company firing employees for organizing a union, especially if those employees were seemingly treated differently than others in the past?

 @RatMattLibertarianfrom Virgin Islands commented…1mo1MO

What role should legislators take in the fight to unionize Starbucks cafes?

Absolutely none. Government has become far too intrusive in all areas of life, including business. Leave this to the parties involved, labor and management.

 @MellowLeftLaneRepublican from California commented…1mo1MO

If they spent the time they spend organizing on, say, pursuing a technical certification, or going on a serious job hunt, they could do something that pays better than pouring coffee. Seems like they have no ambition beyond fast food . . .

 @BillOfRightsChuckForward from Oklahoma commented…1mo1MO

Unions are a part of economic democracy. To many, economic democracy is at least as important as the political kind.

To call unions an "assault" on US capitalism is to say democracy is an assault on US capitalism.

And yes, it would be.

 @B1llOfRightsSealPeace and Freedom from California commented…1mo1MO

They can keep their overpriced bougie coffee

I will vote union everytime


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