Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @BrainyFilibusterForward from California disagreed…2mos2MO

Free trade works perfectly in the absence of hostile state actors subsidizing the practice of dumping to destroy productive capacity in other nations.

 @PuzzledFrogSocialist from California disagreed…2mos2MO

Capitalism was never about morals or ethics. It was supposed to be a superior system in terms of performance.

Now it turns out it was all BS since America is going full on dirigism and central planning, because otherwise the Chinese "cheat". They don't "cheat", they just use a different system that, it seems, has always been superior.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

Socialism's always been superior, eh? Wow! You wouldn't have guessed it, what with the hundreds of millions of people slaughtered by Joseph Stalin, and the hundreds of million of people who starved to death in the USSR since without property rights, no one had any incentive to work! You sure wouldn't think it, when you consider that it has a proven track record of making everything worse and nothing better! My mind is blown, moral man that I am, with your wisdom and insight. Please go ahead and enlighten me some more!

 @AmusedDolphinPatriot from Florida commented…2mos2MO

CCP China is dumping its goods all over the world. Biden is right to propose this. Trump wants to slap a huge tariff on ALL China made stuff. And pretty soon Europe will as well or the few jobs they still have will be wiped out.

When you have a rogue state like China acting in bad faith 100% of the time, extreme measures are warranted

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