Try the political quiz

23 Replies


People are not really doing what necessary for a change, but slowly things are changing to better.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

When I read this, laughing to myself, I thought the comment must have been a couple years old ... then I saw it's 12 minutes old. Are you seriously saying things are getting better? Sure, Biden's going to lose in 2024 – but until he does, things aren't getting better.

 @9LFL54J from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

People focus more on the judgement in the world than the reality of the progress we have made as a society in such a small amount of time. We need to not broadcast our differences so much and just be different and everyone should accept that. Peoples differences do not need to become the new normal just be happy within yourself and let other people be happy as well. Focus on bettering the earth not just your personal life. We should focus on saving the planet we live on and with that I believe we will become united and share common ground. This will make people put aside their differences to achieve something together and the world will be at more peace.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Then let's all go into a big, sunny, butterfly-y field with rainbows, flowers, and puppy-dogs, hold hands with our friends the child mutilators, criminal alien invaders, unborn murderers, gender cultists, and neocon warmongers, and sing songs of harmony and koom-bye-yaa together, huh?

 @9LFP3BZ from Mississippi commented…2mos2MO

my opinion is we hear more differences is because of the way people act different than others

 @9LFNPF4 from Oklahoma commented…2mos2MO

Fear and anger drive clicks. Clicks means money and power for establishment news and politicians. The division and illusion of division increase the wealth and influence of the elites

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…2mos2MO

We don't agree on fundamental rights and freedoms – if you're not a libertarian or traditional conservative, you're pretty much at war with private property rights.

 @9LFNFGXGreen from Louisiana commented…2mos2MO

 @9LFKFNZ from Utah commented…2mos2MO

People focus on the negative and the differences. There are also different ways to peace and freedoms so that could be a disagreement. The way how it comes to be. People like fear so when people are scared they'll turn to the government which is what they want. They want to be in control and have the people turn to them.

 @9LFQGF4 from Texas commented…2mos2MO

I think that people should have a say in what they want and how it should be taken care of.

 @9LFQ7L4 from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

People need to know more about our rights and freedoms more than social media

 @9LFQ6P9 from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

Humans inherently focus on negative aspects of life. This is normal and can be corrected with education.

 @9LFQ4MQ from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

I dont understand why we have to be constantly trying to be different from eachother instead of accepting those for who they are and not being judgmental.

 @9LFN2KR from Iowa commented…2mos2MO

Because there issues related to rascim and xenophobia that persist in America as a whole to this day.

 @9LFMX9D from Mississippi commented…2mos2MO

the media is trying to creat corruption inside the goverment and cities

 @9LFMVQ2 from Iowa commented…2mos2MO

The media and the left have tried to brain wash people into thinking that they are victim but The Right is trying to brain wash people into thinking for themselves. The Left Democrats are at fault for the division in our country!

 @9LFMJ2HRepublican from Iowa commented…2mos2MO

they need to stop dividing people into smaller groups and stop victim-mentality.

 @9LFL7P9 from Texas commented…2mos2MO

We have similar sights but always look at our differences rather finding a common spot.

 @9LFL63M from Ohio commented…2mos2MO

clearly if were still talking about differences we arent fully united with the same freedoms


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