Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9KSQQ25Socialist from New York disagreed…3mos3MO

This answer adheres to largely Christian and colonial gender and social values that restrict harmless possibilities for people to live their best lives, such as by excluding polyamorous or queer relationships and the traditional communal method of raising children.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

Homosexuality, "polyamory," and "queer relationships," are all moral abominations before God that corrupt the moral fibre of those who engage in them and destroy civilisations. God created human beings male and female, with the intent that one man would marry one woman for life, and that the man would provide for his family while the woman raised children. This is how mankind was created to live, and it is only in a society that adheres strictly to this model that happiness, security, and liberty, can be found.

 @9KVX42L from Tennessee agreed…3mos3MO

Family is a Mother, Father and Kids who love and support each other and help get through rough times.

 @9KSRZMQ from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

While nuclear families are idealized, excluding single-parent households, same-sex parents, and legal guardians from the definition of family only harms people from making the most out of their circumstances.

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