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11 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

Something you learn in basic biology classes, and that is continually agreed upon by later scientists: an embryo used in lab experimentation is usually 4-5 days after conception, with a cell count of 100-150, and absolutely no functional nervous system or feeling at all. It is not traditionally “human” in any sense of the word that would relate it directly to you. At that point, it’s basically just unique stem cells without a being that’s created from it. The embryo couldn’t be an actual fetus at any point, let alone a baby, so it’s nerves and feeling will…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

What moral worth do you think it has? That's the main question I have for you. Do you think it's more valuable than a clod of Dirt?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

Until it’s reached actually growth as a fetus, it’s moral value is none, since the embryo is quite literally a clump of cells at that point in time, it was already doomed to never become a child, it’s nerves will never connect, and experimentation on it will very likely alter the DNA away from the unique combination it had before while contributing vastly to science as a whole. I see no moral value in the tiniest clump of embryonic cells that will not ever reach the fetal stage.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Until it’s reached actually growth as a fetus, it’s moral value is none

Alright, so you just said that human embryos that can turn into whole persons have the same moral worth as a clod of cow dung. You don't even think it has the moral worth of a bird, or something – dung. What a horrible, inhuman thing to say.

the embryo is quite literally a clump of cells

So are we! Do you realise how stupid that argument is? Every living thing on the face of this EARTH is a "clump of cells"! YOU AND ME ARE CLUMPS OF CELLS! There might be more cells in you and me than in an…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

Well no, I don’t think it’s worth dung, i think it’s worth the same as any other animal embryo, because both when grown in labs have 0 chances of becoming humans on their own. The labs for artificial pregnancy and the labs for experimentation have different purposes, and therefore the embryos inside have different worth because one will possibly become human, the other will not. I am referring to the lab grown ones for experimentation, which are not allowed to grow past 14 days in the first place, which would still be extremely small and lack even the most basic of nerves.…  Read more

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