Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @UncommonNightingaleNo Labelsfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

If race blind admissions laws hurt admissions rate for minorities, wouldn't the solution be to better prepare minorities for college? We need to focus on the root causes for minorities not scoring well on admission criteria.

 @IngeniousMeerkatSocialistfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

Do you know that 43 percent of white students admitted to Harvard got in through legacy, sons/daughters of donors/faculty or through affluent sports like Squash and Lacrosse? Does this seem like merit to you?

 @UncommonNightingaleNo Labelsfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

Onerous as it is, legacy admission to college is no more offensive than demanding millions because one's great-great-great ancestors were enslaved by their own people.

 @IngeniousMeerkatSocialistfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

Yes because there have been no government policies since slavery that have adverserly affected black people. Hint - check out GI bill and racists FHA policies white americans used to build the middle class. I will give you one guess what group was excluded....

 @SteadfastJerkyGreenfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

An elementary teacher friend of my wife's started her career in East Oakland at a predominantly black elementary school. She had great hopes for the impact she could have. As a white teacher she was told repeatedly that she shouldn't be teaching black kids and when, after seven years, the threats of violence from students reached the point where the teachers had to be escorted to their cars at the end of the day, she left.

 @NeedfulL3gislat1veForwardfrom Texas commented…4mos4MO

Better be careful here, you're about to be labeled a bigot.

To prepare minorities for college (and success) would need an admission by the "Progressive" Left that culture (or lack of) is the primary driver for failure in our inner cities, not poverty. Until we begin to address the culture, no amount of Affirmative Action and DEI will bring lasting success.

 @M0deratePigletLibertarianfrom Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

how about school choice which a large amount of minorities support but the teachers unions and dems hate.

 @JackrabbitDickLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Attempting to address racial discrepancies at the level of higher education was always a lost cause. It attempts to correct a poorly constructed building beginning with the roof. The whole educational system is broken from the start by forcing poor students to stay in schools that fail completely to educate their students throughout their lives. Fix elementary and high school education and higher education without affirmative action will take of itself.

 @ApricotsDonRepublican from Texas commented…4mos4MO

I agree. I love your analogy to a building, but you could add that the foundation is the family. The liberals do not seem to understand that families are necessary to help the children get a good foundational education.

 @SugarySnailGreen from New York commented…4mos4MO

If they just made this a bill to provide it to people in poverty they would be on the right track.

Pretty sure a rich black kid does not need free college but a poor black, brown, asian, or white kid might.

 @ExcitedPeacockSocialist from Illinois commented…4mos4MO

Well, few will qualify because they can't pass the tests. So, it will cost nothing in the long run for students and the racist white democrat administrators of the program will get to steal all the funds.


Do you believe that offering free college to a racial group is a form of justice or discrimination?

 @9JZF638 from Iowa commented…4mos4MO

Why are we accepting people based on race and not qualifications? That is unfair.

 @DiplomatLocustRepublican from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO


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