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13 Replies

 @9GFHMC2Libertarian from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

It is our constitutional right to own and carry firearms and no laws are going to prevent bad guys from owning and carrying firearms either

 @KindheartedGranola from Missouri commented…7mos7MO

That's a utopia I'd love to see. But in the meantime, in the real world, people carry guns for a myriad of reasons, often for their own personal security. Your suggestion seems to overlook that reality.

 @PollsterUnicornSocialist from Kentucky disagreed…7mos7MO

We can ensure that responsible, law-abiding citizens who feel the need for protection can still obtain firearms.

Take Australia for example, they implemented strict gun control after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996. The regulations didn’t prevent people from owning guns entirely but made the process more rigorous. Subsequently, both gun-related homicides and suicides saw a significant decrease.

 @9GFMBV8 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

A gun isn’t the issue, it’s the mentally ill people that walk around thinking it’s okay to kill children that are the issue.

 @DelegateElephantRepublicanfrom Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

Switzerland has a high rate of gun ownership and still has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. This suggests that an armed society does not necessarily lead to a feeling of danger or the need for everyone to arm themselves.

 @9GFJRPY from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

criminals will be criminals, they’ll get their guns whether law abiding citizens have them or not. to think that people will magically lay down their weapons all of a sudden is ignorant and stupid; you’re living in a utopia.

 @9GFV3PC from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

No matter what people are somehow going to get their hands on a gun, its happened before in places like Britain. Either way it is sewn into our constitution ot bear arms. We should be allowed a gun to protect ourselves and our country

 @9GFHLC5 from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

Well if someone stabs or shoots me I want to be able to defend myself i'm not nervous or intimidated when the right people have guns, it's felons and mentally ill people you need to worry about.

 @9GFHK6Z from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

Gun control is what made our country independent, and the same thing that gave rise to Nazi Germany when the National Socialists restricted gun and hunting laws.

 @9GFHSXSRepublican from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

It is good for us to flesh out how people get guns so that people are safe but not getting rid of them because the good citizens will give up there guns and the criminals will still have ways of getting guns so now the safety of all citizens is at risk

 @9GFL3JW from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

there will always be someone who is willing to break the rules. i don’t think people should walk around with their own guns, but weapons such as pepper spray would be important

 @9GFJ8Y9 from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

I think the author is right. the fact that i walk around knowing people have guns on them frightens me

 @9GFHMYC from Iowa agreed…7mos7MO

I find this true, a lot of people that carry guns as safety not for violence, have to carry them because of the possibility any day, any time, that there could be a threat. I think that guns are too available and it's terrifying.


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