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3 Replies

 @ClamNora from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

This is because up to 50% of all fertilized eggs spontaneously abort, often before the woman knows she's pregnant. Is this considered a life lost?

Also, while adoption is indeed a noble path, it's important to consider the reality of the system. There are currently over 400,000 children in foster care in the USA, with a third eligible for adoption. Yet, most prospective parents prefer to adopt babies, leaving older children and teenagers in the system. This suggests that the adoption system has its challenges and isn't a simple solution to unwanted pregnancies.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on these points. Do you think defining the exact moment life begins is straightforward? And how can we improve the adoption system to better accommodate these children?

 @9H4DL4B from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

I mostly agree with this position. However, I would like to say that incest shouldn't be an exception; most of the time, the incest exception is there as a result of concerns about genetic defects in the child. Disability shouldn't take away your right to life.
Moreso, I've seen some testimonies from medical professionals that abortion is almost never required to save the mother's life. I don't know this for sure, though, so I would look into that yourself for more detail. Just a thought I've had.

 @Bi11R1ghtsPigletGreen from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's true that a unique set of DNA is formed at conception, it's important to note that biological life and personhood are not synonymous. There are different philosophical, religious, and cultural beliefs about when personhood begins.

As for adoption, it's indeed a beautiful thing, but it's not a simple alternative to pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth have profound physical and psychological impacts on a woman's body, and no one should be forced to go through them unwillingly.


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