Try the political quiz

19 Replies

 @9GJQRLQRepublican from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

No because the kids need to learn there subject.if they did not went to school they not going to know nothing in the real world.At least let them finish high school so they have experience if they encounter something they have to know.

 @9FSJN9V from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Children need to go to school to get an education. Higher education reduces crime and improves everyone else’s life.

 @9F5Z2FH from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

No. Children need to be in some sort of school. Of course there are exceptions for certain situations like mental or physical health. But otherwise truancy should be enforced. I have worked in public schools for almost ten years and truancy is a big problem.

 @9LY5B3Q from Tennessee disagreed…1mo1MO

Even with the law, children are still truant. Take it away, and you open the flood gates to everyone.

 @9KVPLX9Republican from Missouri agreed…3mos3MO

Students, especially high school seniors, may not live with their parents or have a good relationship with them. If the parent is in charge of excusing the students absence, those with no contact or busy parents don't have a fair way to get marked excused. I think their should be more incentives for coming to school and school should be designed to have students wanting to come. But if something comes up or the student is dealing with at home issues, they shouldn't be punished for it.

 @9FPL67T from South Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

All children under the age of seventeen should be required to go to school with a students being able to miss school if the school had approved the reason for the absence.

 @9HRJCKTRepublican from New Jersey disagreed…5mos5MO

Education transformed the nation from an agricultural to a modernized first-world country, without mandating at least some basic level of education poverty rates will increase and the quality of life for countless Americans will plummet.

 @9GXS4MZ from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Attendance in school is vital to learning and the overall success of the individual and to the community. Even though the current school system is flawed in some ways, truancy is not the correct answer to that and we should instead attempt to fix what is flawed in our system.

 @9GXRP5J from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

If students are required to be in school, to get an education, and become well rounded individuals that are intelligent and understand most subjects, why would we let them skip and turn into uneducated people that are less likely to become important or functioning members of society.

 @9GTHJX7 from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

School truancy is more of a statement on parents partnering with the school to ensure the best outcome of the child. Parents should be help accountable to ensure their child makes it to school everyday, on time.

 @9GSXCLJ from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Kids should have to graduate with a base knowledge, and if not required to go to school, then the literacy rate would fall in the United States, and the economic growth may slow as a result.

 @9GJY2CX from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

Most instances of abuse and neglect in a home or red flagged by a child’s truancy. If a child is not receiving proper care, very often schools are alerted to it through the child absences. Many children have been rescued from abusive situations because they were truant.

 @9GVPPJ8Libertarian from California agreed…7mos7MO

The government shouldn’t be able to force children to be forced Ik a certain way, it’s a form of brainwashing. Free education should be allowed on the internet, everything else should have to be paid for, not through taxes.

 @9G7ZZWJ  from South Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Sometimes the breaks that students are given are not sufficient because the main reason students want time off is mental exhaustion, not celebration of something. Said exhaustion can happen for many reasons and at many times.

 @9FZ9XB7 from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

kids are always late to class, complaining about being in clas, and teachers say were tired, yeah we wake up at 5 am and go to a building for 7 hours it might not sound like much to parents and teachers but it pretty exhaysting.

 @9FWRY9T from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Students can say they have rights and may chooses not to attend school. But school is important to prepare kids for life lessons that are valuable for growth.

 @9J2XP4W  from North Carolina disagreed…3 days3D

Education is the backbone of our society. If we were to eliminate the compulsion to go to school many teens would simply choose not to go to school and not recieve their much needed education. Not getting a high school diploma is one of the best indicators as for a future of poverty. Not attending school has a high correlation with failing grades and not receiving a diploma on time, or at all.


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