Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @9FL7LY4  from California agreed…8mos8MO

The Center for Migration Studies of New York estimates there are more 1.7 million highly educated undocumented immigrants 18 and older in the United States. Approximately 1.9% of all students enrolled today are undocumented immigrants. Colleges already accept undocumented immigrants into their degree programs. They have the motivation to pursue their American dream, which is what brought them to the US in the first place. We should help them become contributing members of society, pay their taxes, and help strengthen our economy as a whole. It is also allowed for immigrants of any legal statu…  Read more

 @9FP8WVMRepublican from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

By simply accepting these undocumented immigrants into public Universities across the country, we are giving them no incentive to get to the point of paying their taxes, strengthening the economy, or even becoming legal citizens, because they have clearly already been shown that there is no need to do the work required for it. They are going to get accepted anyway without having to pay taxes to support the university that they're going through, giving them an unfair advantage agains legal children trying to get into to college but struggling to pay because of the taxes they are having to pay.

 @9K7ZGQ9Socialist from Montana disagreed…3mos3MO

Illegal immigrants already pay taxes, they’re automatically deducted out of their income

 @9FNL5C6  from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Why should a criminal be granted financial assistance when they should not even be here. If an immigrant is suffering in their own country they should apply for citizenship and pay taxes. Then I will support them.

 @9GKJ92Y from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

How good of a student were they, and do they have plans to continue thier future studies to the best of their abilites.

 @9GC6NF9 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

If Biden has raised taxes, lower tax brackets can't help their kids pay for college. College should be free or at least at a lower price because $10,000 a year for school is crazy.

 @9G29XVFIndependent from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

Those who earn scholarships are those who should be rewarded based on ability, skill, and determination. The scholarships should have nothing to do with social background. Financial assistance should be given to those who need it.


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