Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @9FL4SVY from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Currently, some of the judges in the Supreme Court have been in term for over 10 years. This means that laws that support their political views are more likely to get passed. If there were term limits that would provide a fair opportunity for all political views. And adding more members would allow more and different opinions to hold weight.

 @9GKGHYZSocialist from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Most of the Supreme Court is one party. They decide whatever fits what they believe not what is right for the American citizens.

 @9H4H6B8 from Arkansas disagreed…7mos7MO

I am not sure that Congress has the constitutional power to "reform" the Supreme Court. All 3 branches of the federal government are created in the constitution and all 3 are theoretically equal. Congress has no more power to change the Supreme Court than the Court does to change Congress.


the current supreme court system is loaded with judges 10-20 years PAST retirement age and cannot reflect the true values of the US, as well as cannot be trusted to be competent in their roles

 @9F4L7M4 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The most important government decisions should not be made by those who are possibly mentally incompetent due to age. There should be mandatory mental evaluations every 3 years for justices over the age of 55.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky agreed…2yrs2Y

The Court should judge the bill according to the law according to its intent.

The only reason to expand the court today is for political reasons.


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