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167 Replies

 @9GHF8ZZLibertarian  from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Top Disagreement

Government has proven time and time again that they are inefficient and produce subpar programs whenever they try to become involved with public transportation. The solution is not more money in the hands of those who do not know how to utilize it, but rather money in different hands: those of the private businesses that are motivated by competition to provide the best services.

 @9GHGB27 from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

The governments of the past may have mishandled the execution of public transport programs, but we have seen examples around the world of government-funded public transport being effective and beneficial to commerce. It simply needs to be executed appropriately, with the help of the most skilled engineers and experts.

 @P4rtyClamfrom Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

We can't ignore the success stories of public transportation in cities like Singapore and Tokyo, where government-run systems are efficient, reliable, and affordable. These cities demonstrate that public transportation can be well-managed and effective.

 @9GHHRCL from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

the government makes subpar transportation services because they arent actually interested in making public transport more accessible. they're more interested than money from car companies.

 @9GJGJNRIndependent from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

no, we shouldn't provide free transportation but lower prices because people could abuse the power of having free transportation, there could people riding the bus that don't need to use it because they have a car and when people who actually needs it cant because it becomes full, but if you lower it more people would be able to ride where they need to go with no problem and it'll still take care of the gas problem.

 @9GL9X9KPeace and Freedom from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

Although free public transportation being free is nice, it will affect the citizens who work in those public transportation jobs. By many people losing their jobs, which means that many people won't be able to bring money to their homes. And many public transportation businesses will be losing money and they will have to invest in another business or will have to get another job.

 @9G9792R from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

no, we shouldn't provide free transportation but lower prices because people could abuse the power of having free transportation, there could people riding the bus that don't need to use it because they have a car and when people who actually needs it cant because it becomes full, but if you lower it more people would be able to ride where they need to go with no problem and it'll still take care of the gas problem.

 @9G6GBKB from California agreed…8mos8MO

Free public transportation will allow people to go from place to place without struggle and also it would get rid of some cars on the street which is beneficial to the environment.

 @9GS27CBWomen’s Equality from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

it might be more effective to focus on improving affordability, accessibility, and efficiency of public transportation

 @9GGBX3HDemocrat from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

28 million people rely on buses, trains, ferries and streetcars to get where they need to go because they have no car


I think public transportation should be free or less expensive because it helps with jobs, education, and more since we need to get to places.

 @9FRZNJK from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

My counter argument is that, for the people of our society to live within peace, i say that instead of lowering the rates, we make a program for low-income people who make less than 10k a year. increase pay rate for bus drivers by 20% and increase the amount of jobs for people in the society.

 @9GW5XGG from Kentucky disagreed…7mos7MO

yes, provide more free public transportation because people that can't afford cars need to still get places or can't get jobs to pay for cars.

 @9GVMBHSIndependent from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation reduces traffic congestion and saves time for everyone. One of the most frustrating aspects of commuting is being stuck in traffic, wasting precious hours of our lives. When more people use public transportation, there are fewer cars on the road, which leads to reduced congestion. This means quicker, more predictable travel times for everyone, including those who continue to use their cars.

Imagine a world where you can get to your destination faster, spend less time stressed in traffic, and have more time for yourself, your family, or your hobbies. Public transportation…  Read more

 @9FLLJF3 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

The best counter argument is,No we should not provide free public transportation because like a bus for example it still cost gas to drive around everywhere. It still cost money to man the bus and some may say but that's what taxes are for but. think what america could do with the money saved by not having free public transportation

 @9GZ9CZ3 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

We can't ignore the success stories of public transportation in cities like Singapore and Tokyo, where government-run systems are efficient, reliable, and affordable. These cities demonstrate that public transportation can be well-managed and effective.

 @9GYFDNW from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

Where we gonna get the money for this free public transportation are we going to raise taxes or what?

 @9GC5TYC from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

45% of American citizens do not live in an area or have access to public transpiration. Those that do have access are often exposed to harsh conditions that appear to be from a third world country.


Government spending may not be best spent on transportation especially when most of america is founded on highways and redoing all that could lead to disastrous economic failures

 @9GN98NHRepublican from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Nothing is free someone will have to pay for the gas and the pay of the driver, and that will be the government, which will use our taxes for this and will result in a most definite raise in taxes we pay.

 @9G6N7LM from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't think Public Transportation should be free, it should be cheap enough for everyone to pay for.

 @9GQPJDQRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

I just honestly think transportation should be free because you're getting places quicker and don't need to be paying for transportation when you can be paying for gas and food.

 @9GPHG9BGreen from California disagreed…7mos7MO

free public transportation being free is nice, but it will affect the citizens who work in those public transportation jobs and many public transportation businesses will be losing money and will have to invest in another business or will have to get another job.

 @9G9RVZNDemocrat from South Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes, they should and my reasoning for the concern would be because of the elderly people who do not have a vehicle, cannot drive, or have anyone in their family to do anything for them. I think the government should have a place that these people could rely on and wouldn't be charged a big fee to use it.

 @9GKV3XY from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Without any fee for public transportation, the money for you city wont be coming in and everything your city or government needs will be unavailable. Also for people who don't need any public transportation will be using it when people who need it, will be left out.

 @9H2KQ3W from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

There are people who don't have enough money to get to there jobs so they can feed their family at home and I think it's the bare minimum to let them get around without paying a lot of money.

 @9GM2X4Q from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

reduces the need for cars, thus allowing for greater personal savings, lower air pollution, and lower traffic.

 @9H4DGPPfrom Northern Mariana Islands agreed…7mos7MO

fundamentally getting around is like electricity or water it is essential in todays society and if you cant do that because you don't have the ability to work because you don't have a car or are disabled you cant function and provide and those who are under 16 don't even have the option to drive they need to be driven everywhere

 @9GZ8MPH from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

some people have no way transporting and depend on trains and taxis other public transportation people shouldn't have to keep paying all the money they do to go buy groceries for them or go run errands or pick up there kids if they keep paying all that money for public transportation they will soon have no money to go buy groceries or run errands or even pick up their kids.

 @9G2TR6D from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes all transportation should be free because the workers are already getting paid why should we pay .

 @9G2FGPT from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

It shouldn't be free because people already don't take care of public transportation enough as it is. If it's free then people will drastically take advantage of it.


Though the majority would like free public transportation, I think it would delay infrastructure for transportation and not benefit public transportation workers. Also, It breaks out the balance in the cycle of other transportation opportunities such as biking, Uber, etc.

 @9GY42Z7Peace and Freedomfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

One potential counter argument to the position of providing more free public transportation is the potential cost and financial burden it could impose on the government and taxpayers.

Implementing and maintaining a free public transportation system requires significant funding, including operational costs, infrastructure development, and maintenance expenses. The expenses can be substantial, and the burden of funding such a system might fall on taxpayers through increased taxes or reduced funding for other essential services.

Moreover, providing free public transportation may lead to an increa…  Read more

 @9GCHG39 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

The government should not increase spending on public transportation; for some people this type of transportation is what they solely depend on.

 @9FLNQCGWomen’s Equality from Rhode Island disagreed…8mos8MO

I think if public transportation was cheaper or free then people would have more money to even save up for a car.

 @9FT4KLT from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I guess it provides more transportation for homeless people to spread more throughout cities and towns

 @9H23NKS from Alabama disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation is heavily needed in many busy cities and even cities that may not be as busy. Many people don't own a vehicle or they walk to work. There are many good and bad possibilities that could happen.


More free public transport should be free because it can help people get to more jobs to help the USA.

 @9G3KT5J from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

i think that it should be free in some cases as in like homeless people but free is hard because where would the city get the money to upgrade that public transportation

 @9GYF5N7 from Alabama disagreed…7mos7MO

This should not be increased. There are plenty of public transportation devices that people use daily. This would cost money that we indelibly do not have.


i feel like we should provide with free transportation because the poor and the homeless need to get placeses also kind or nice citizens can donate and the government can also pay as well if they are kind enough

 @9FSZWCS from Delaware disagreed…8mos8MO

provide free public transportation because a lot of people need it to go tot there jobs and to pick up there child and more.

 @9GNKLMNIndependent from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Due to the people that is pretty poor, make sure that homeless/poor people are getting at least free transportation.

 @9GFYY7D from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

People will take advantage of that, and it's not my fault they don't have a ride so why are my tax dollars going towards that.

 @9GCNQ38 from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

In Tokyo, the people there use public transport more than cars. That's because their government helped build the city like that and let people use public transport more. It would talk awhile for the U.S to do this, but it'd be worth it.

 @9G8B7V6Peace and Freedom from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I would say that there should be less free public transportation because the free transportation will end up costing the local and state government more to provide and sustain more free transportation.

 @9FSXDWV from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

The best counter argument would be to help the schools and more day cares if more people Can have acces to go and easy come back and not have to worry about nothing.

 @9FSN4DP from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

there might be more deaths and missing people with the free transportation, and remember there are always homeless crazy people everywhere that can take over.

 @9GTW8SB from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

For people who can't afford public transportation, make it free to get where they need to go to without the extra fees.


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