Try the political quiz

229 Replies

 @9H49LBV from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

Americans need to use cars less and prioritize public transportation to combat urban sprawl and climate change.

 @9H4YSXT from New York disagreed…6mos6MO

More public transportation funding will allow our economy to flourish through the development of high speed rail

 @9H2Y8B7 from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation will facilitate the lives of US citizens and they are paying taxes for the government to take care of those things.

 @9H2CP33 from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

We can't just let urban sprawling get even more out of control, the amount of cars lead to higher traffic, which leads to more road expansions, which leads to pollution, and again, in tandem with abhorrent urban planning, increases urban sprawling and potentially the destruction of wildlife habitats due to city expansion due to urban sprawling. This is an important issue that also needs attention and should not be casted on with a blind eye.

 @9H4H5TKProgressive from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Larger public transportation is inherently environmentally friendly and offers both short-term and long-term financial economic gains.

 @9HCQZNP from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

That all of the topics and discussions that have to do with transportation, should be taken into serious consideration and it should be a top priority.

 @9H3NBF3Independent from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Yes but free public transportation would allow more Americans to work and give everyone a better quality of life

 @9H234FWDemocrat from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

My counter is that public transportation helps a major amount of people, makes our cities nicer, allows more people to make it out of poverty since there's no need to pay for a car.

 @9GZT274from Northern Mariana Islands disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation impacts many issues. Care dependent infrastructure results in greater co2 emissions, so climate change and environmental issues are relevant. Similarly, building more transit options will likely require rethinking zoning laws, which can open up an opportunity to assess housing policy by building and allowing the building of more housing options near transit hubs which could address the housing crisis and possibly even help to reduce homelessness.

 @9GZ8SDQ from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

public transport is one of the most common form or transportation in new york. This is an urgent issue for most.

 @9H4DGPPfrom Northern Mariana Islands disagreed…7mos7MO

This comes from the fact that we are Car dependent, but not everyone can drive and when you need a car to get around you are not giving the people who cant afford a car or cant drive because there disabled or are under 16 not able to get around without making someone give them a ride

 @9GZ2XMKfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation is a lot of people use every day and by increasing it the quality of work done and generally quality will increase


Public Transportation solves a lot of problems. Emissions reductions, added jobs in infrastructure, and reduced costs to travel.

 @9MBDQDHSocialistfrom Maine disagreed…3wks3W

public transportation funding will allow our economy to flourish through the development of high speed movement.


Funding can only do so much to benefit certain issues and there is enough possible funding to deal with many important issues at once. To spend more on public transportation while dealing with other issues like health the government can reduce military spending and fund the IRS which collects more money from those who are committing tax evasion then it costs to run thus generating a profit.

 @9M2HBRYfrom Maine disagreed…1mo1MO

The more important issues seem more as an excuse to ignore common issues such as Public Transportation.

 @9LZ3PNHGreen from South Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

Car accidents are the second highest killer of Americans behind cardiac arrest. We need safer options for everyday transport.

 @9LXCGJ6 from Maine disagreed…1mo1MO

increasing public transportation can lead to many different economic benefits as there can be more job opportunities directly in public tansportation, and the result of increase in funding of public transportation.

 @9LWSTTT from California disagreed…1mo1MO

Investing in public transportation is not just a matter of urban convenience but a strategic economic driver that offers substantial returns. The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) reports that every dollar spent on public transit generates approximately $4 in economic returns. This investment creates direct and indirect jobs, stimulates industries like construction and manufacturing, and bolsters urban economies. Additionally, efficient public transit systems alleviate traffic congestion, improving productivity by reducing time wasted in traffic and associated costs in urban…  Read more

 @9LW3ZWJ from New York disagreed…1mo1MO

Greater investment in public transportation would lower emissions by reducing the number of drivers, reduce traffic, and aid in affordable housing by allowing individuals to live further away from high paying jobs. It would also create thousands of high paying construction jobs to create new rail lines and buses.

 @9LVM2J3 from New Jersey disagreed…1mo1MO

It is clear as a country we can definitely handle more important issues while also handling less important issues as we have done in the past many times over. For example, during the Civil Rights Movement, we were still able to support our foreign goal of the Cold War.

 @9LVDCRJfrom Maine disagreed…1mo1MO

Nothing is more important than the safety of the most dangerous thing we do daily, driving. More public transport, less drivers, less emissions.

 @9LVCDRD from North Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

I would say what this is more important because people who can barely afford cars and bikes need these forms of transportation

 @9LTW4K7 from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

Public transportation leads to declines in emissions, and extra space that parking lots that take up can be used for more public use.

 @9LRJT7B from Utah disagreed…1mo1MO

Public Transportation is in my opinion very important, because it would promote the mobility of people and decrease the CO2 emissions.

 @9LQKDHW from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

Public Transportation would reduce the number of cars on the road reducing road pollution, while also allowing low income workers more flexibility in transporting themselves to their work if they don't have a car to drive. Good for the environment and good for the economy.

 @Tiger-ADemocrat from New York disagreed…2mos2MO

Transportation in the U.S. is bad with many having to walk long distances to get to destination that should be quick drives. It would save a lot of time and make more people safe from road side accidents.

 @9LCDVV2 from Missouri disagreed…2mos2MO

People need to be able to get around, due to the price of cars. For our economy to flow public transportation is a must. Tourists, low-income houses, and college students need it. It can bring in money from other places and we can put that money towards other problems.

 @9L9CKLP from Oklahoma disagreed…2mos2MO

We do have many issues, but a lot of them can be remedied by having better access and better public transportation options. There is no reason to stall what will need to happen as we grow up as a country. We need to make sure that people can easily move in large cities. Every city should be making their city easy to navigate with public transportation.

 @9L8J4JR from Texas disagreed…2mos2MO

It is necessary for everyone to have access to affordable, efficient, and eco-friendly means of transportation.

 @9KZPZZK from Ohio disagreed…2mos2MO

we do not need to spend any more on public transportation as there are more important things to focus on.

 @9KZPK3Z from Georgia disagreed…2mos2MO

Public transportation projects will require a lot of time to be completed and the action will need to be done now for the projects to be completed at a efficient time.

 @9KFSDVNDemocrat from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

Funding public infrastructure and transportation stimulates the economy and provides far more economic gain than simply funding other areas of the economy.

 @9KBZ8ZK from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Do you know how much money is spent on our military? Do you know how much money billionaire's line their pockets with that we could tax? We can subsidize both your hypothetical other problem and my want for public transit with money gained from them. Making citizen's lives easier and more accommodating should be a primary function of the government.

 @9JW3B6W from North Carolina disagreed…4mos4MO

"Transportation and utilities" was the 8th largest employment industry in the U.S. in 2022. It is reasonable to assume that increasing the funding and scope of this industry would create jobs, improve working conditions, and increase pay for those jobs. In addition, public transportation is the most effective alternative to driving cars, which countless studies have proven to damage the environment, reduce effective land use, and hurt local businesses that don't have the funds to offer parking.

 @9JMD7ZX from Maryland disagreed…4mos4MO

Public Transportation is how we keep other issues running. From private workers to the public sector to completing errands through the day, Public Transportation connects many people to what is necessary. Our current Public Transit has been fractured and crippled many times over from impatient decision makers and budget cuts. We need a step-based system for transit and move our focus away from everyone being expected to finance, insure, and drive a car. Public Transportation can keep people healthier since there's more movement and activity involved, and prevents accidents. There are too…  Read more

 @9HXJ9RR from Colorado disagreed…5mos5MO

By funding public transport we could not only start to solve other issues like global warming but also help with mental health

 @9HXHM76 from Ohio agreed…5mos5MO

We still have a drug epidemic sweeping the nation, our national security is under threat, and our national deficit is still growing. Those are issues that threaten the very existence of America in the future, and need our utmost attention as of now. Private companies like Brightline can easily fix this issue as long as they are held responsible by both the people and the government in court.

 @9HVYWWMConstitution from Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

Most Americans would benefit greatly, and cities would be a lot less crowded with cars and can have more housing and parks with less parking lots and streets.

 @9HS3679from Guam disagreed…5mos5MO

I think climate change is quite an important issue in our daily lives. We should fund more projects that reduce carbon emissions and road rage. Buses for the win, ngl. Oh sure, you don’t want to be crowded into a bus with other people, but think about it. With the abolishment of cars and other stuff, (this might be wishful thinking) the current car makers might start making other things, like buses. More high quality public transport, more spaces for you to be in, less overcrowding, less traffic congestion, and less pollution! I’m really bad at debating and I’m not too well read on this topic, sorry.

 @9HPG34Y from Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

That's true, but that does not mean that funding should not be considered at all for Public Transportation. It is equally important as some other issues.

 @9HH65CV from Florida disagreed…6mos6MO

The current state of our travel is horrid. The constant reliance on private transportation has created a societal structure that, if you are without a car, you are more likely to struggle to succeed. An increase in Public transportation will allow more travel and freedom to those who will have access to it.

 @9HDQXD7 from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Americans need to use cars less and prioritize public transportation to combat urban sprawl and climate change.

 @9LZZWGQ from Kansas disagreed…1mo1MO

Public transportation has direct positive benefits on all areas of society as it improves access to healthcare, education, social, and corporate opportunities.

 @9LZ42YB from Connecticut disagreed…1mo1MO

We do not live in a walking country, not everyone has access to their own cars or anything. Buses and trains are pretty needed.

 @9LYBLRR from Michigan disagreed…1mo1MO

We already spend enough on Public Highways, and that level of funding rarely gets pushback. Why not try something else and see if that becomes more effective?

 @9LXLJJCDemocrat from Florida disagreed…1mo1MO

I dont believe this is true, because there are many in the united states that have to travel to work WITHOUT transportation.

 @9LWHJ36 from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

Public transportation is an area that the US is behind on in comparison to other states. Better public transportation improves access


Public Transportation is a good thing to focus on but there are so much more that needs to be done it wont help anything

 @9LTDF2H from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

we do, but public transportation in city's can be crucial to less accidents and more safe transportation.


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