Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @9FFKSZ7 from New Mexico disagreed…9mos9MO

A single payer system would reduce complexity, bureaucracy, and recipient effort. If a single payer system could eliminate Medicare, Medicade, and Obama care it would eliminate three overlapping and complex Healthcare systems that cost the united States a huge amount of time and effort to manage.

 @9F9XD5MDemocrat from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The United States has forgotten the working class in favor of corporate big healthcare lobbyists. Is it a shame that the highest healthcare spender in the world also charge their citizens the most. This isn't freedom, it’s slavery to financial institutions when healthcare costs overwhelm the average American.


almost all of the nations that we consider to be allies have a system of government provided healthcare it shouldn't cost so much to not die.


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