Try the political quiz

17 Replies

 @9FMNMJQ from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Discrimination is a serious sweeping issue in the US. No one chooses to be oppressed or hated, and therefore we should protect everyone that is. It is our duty to provide to those less fortunate and that are rejected by writ large society. It is immoral to hate or berate someone on something they simply don't control. My hope is that soon enough, we won't need to write it into law. However as things are now, with discrimination against LGBTQ members being ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court in Creative LLC vs Elenis, it is imperative we write into law that these people are protected, safe, and cared for.

 @9F7G2BR from California agreed…9mos9MO

Canadian Bill C-16 of the ontaraio human rights code does the same thing and it has resulted in people facing civil liability for using incorrect pronouns

 @9F8M5JL from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

Why is a stranger's gender your business? You'll never meet them, and even if you do, why do you care? Give one example of people identifying with a different gender than they were assigned at birth affecting your life.

 @9C574JC from Florida agreed…1yr1Y

Genetics not desire should determine who you compete against. An XY even transitioned should compete against other XY’s the same for XX’s drug testing stays the same receiving HGH, testosterone, adrenaline all get you disqualified

 @9FBP5L3 from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

People have the right to pursue happiness and as long as they are not harming other people they should be granted the right to live.

 @9F8N3L9 from South Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

first off genetics play a key detail on what you are, either you have xx or you have xy and you can not change what you are genetically, at the end of the day i don't care what you think you are but i don't want your opinion being forced on me and it shouldn't be mandated across the country


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