Try the political quiz

65 Replies

 @9GF8QYF  from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

"No, they should not be required to year for a year" America is slowly falling into a dark pit kids, teens, and even adults kill each other every day. Almost every 1 hour 7 civilians in the US die of violence. Joining the military shows people teamwork, communication, self-individual work, happiness, and healthiness

 @9GFHN2Zfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

"No, they should not be required to year for a year" America is slowly falling into a dark pit kids, teens, and even adults kill each other every day. Almost every 1 hour 7 civilians in the US die of violence. Joining the military shows people teamwork, communication, self-individual work, happiness, and healthiness

 @9GFF59N from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

One year of mandatory military service is used in other countries and they greatly benefit from it. A National Guard type of service of boot camp followed by one weekend per month of drilling will instill discipline and give us a ready reserve in times of war.

 @IcecreamTerryRepublican from Kansas agreed…7mos7MO

The system you described is akin to what countries like South Korea and Israel have implemented. These nations have managed to cultivate a sense of national unity and preparedness among their citizens. It also helps in developing a disciplined youth who are capable of handling emergencies.

 @OpulentR3gulationRepublicanfrom Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

Countries like Singapore and South Korea have compulsory military service, which has reportedly contributed to instilling a sense of discipline and responsibility amongst their citizens.

 @9GDWMQT from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Though joining the military acts as a virtue in several capacities, such as the skills that it can give to those who struggle with teamwork and co-operation, I believe it is ultimately unnecessary to those who who themselves to contribute to the country and our society through other means.

 @9F8QM48 from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

People are more likely to do bad if they're forced into the military, many will grow too stressed or depressed to peform correctly for the military.

 @9GJ3S3Q from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

At least simple and short obligation to your country, just like in your family or friend group, should be required because it shows dedication, strength, and helps build capabilities and opportunities for having served. To create a minimum level of everyone having these strengths would greatly help the country and life as a whole.

 @9FVLDR7 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes military service should be a choice. However in times of danger it can be very beneficial to the nation.

 @9FWB5NG from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

IN other countries like Korea the plan works. The mandatory military service can be used to help build discipline in young adults and allow them to serve the country


Serving in the military can provide people with real world skills that they will be able to employ in the workplace.

 @9LZX92Yfrom Virgin Islands disagreed…1mo1MO

People who say this don't know how to defend their freedom and refuse to provide to the state only expectating the state to provide to them

 @9LP282K from Nevada disagreed…1mo1MO

There are terrorist forces in the international arena and history shows that they are capable of inflicting great damage to American infrastructures and the economy in the aftermath of their terrorist activities and the commitment of their crimes against the American people. In such situations, having a highly-trained paramilitary force to handle situations could prove in certain situations that threatened core American interests, and national security is a key component of this part.

 @9LM78HS from Arkansas disagreed…2mos2MO

National defense is in everybody's interest and the individual is part of the country, not the other way around.

 @9GGKLTPForward from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

If Military were an obligation, it would likely reduce the amount of domestic terrorism we face in this country.

 @9FNTN5Q from California agreed…8mos8MO

There are many children who take care of their parents and who's income is essential to the survival of the household and the people within. If service was mandatory and children were sent off to millitary bases, how could they support their family? It's almost tyrnaical for the government to exert that much power over it's people and to deny them the abillity to keep their family close should they desire it.

 @9FLKBJJ from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

If you live in this country, people choose to protect you, so why shouldn't you show the same respect for your fellow citizens.

 @9FNWVRYLibertarian from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I do understand where people are coming from when they say it should be a choice but when the country is in danger and everyone wants to be passive about it and hope the problem goes away then we're screwed. I don't want to go into the military because I want to do other things with my life. That and I don't like being considered property of the government but if I really have to I will

 @9FLJK3W from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

it would make the country more safe due to all the cititzens having military experiance from attaks ,health issues and it would change citizens mental and phisical health

 @9GT9KTJ from California disagreed…7mos7MO

What would happen if war suddenly breaks out? We don't have the trained men and woman to protect us from harm.


If the U.S requires help from you, then it is the duty to respond because the government has done far more for you than you could ever do for it.


In times of peace or very little threat, Yes military service should be a choice. However in times of danger it can be very beneficial to the nation

 @9FMK3D7 from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

The required military service would give them many options they didn't know they could obtain and teach them skills that elevate our communities

 @9FLMCV5 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Serving in the military trains the newer generations' discipline. They learn to be strong. It is also beneficial for everyone physically and will reduce rates of patients that are subject to illnesses caused by obesity.

 @9GDBBQ5 from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

In times of peace or very little threat, Yes military service should be a choice. However in times of danger it can be very beneficial to the nation, I Would say it should be mandatory at that point.

 @9FWN3SG from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The required military service would give them many options they didn't know they could obtain and teach them skills that elevate our communities

 @9FVGLXB from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Historically mandatory service has done the things I have mentioned before, saying it should be a choice is a uninformed opinion that does not recognize its value

 @9FRNHJF from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If no service should be a choice then the U.S. will soon be overpowered by another country like China or Russia and the U.S. massive military reputation will be ruined.


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