Try the political quiz

101 Discussions

 @ISIDEWITH linked…3mins3m

Commentary: Trump fans say he speaks his mind. But on some subjects, he's as slippery as an eel

 @ISIDEWITH linked…3mins3m

Playbook: Why both parties see a silver lining to Trump’s conviction

 @ISIDEWITH linked…3mins3m

In one North Carolina county, it’s ‘growth, growth, growth.’ But will Biden reap the benefit?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…3mins3m

Global Political Dynamics Intensify Amidst Elections and Trump's Conviction


 @ISIDEWITH linked…18mins18m

Lara Trump declines to say if RNC will support Larry Hogan after trial comments

 @ISIDEWITH asked…18mins18m

Do you believe loyalty to a party or politician should override individual principles or the pursuit of justice?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…18mins18m

Lara Trump Clashes with GOP Senate Candidate Larry Hogan Over Trump Trial Comments


 @ISIDEWITH linked…34mins34m

Iran’s Ahmadinejad registers candidacy for snap presidential poll

 @ISIDEWITH linked…34mins34m

Iran's ex-president files new bid for post

 @ISIDEWITH linked…34mins34m

Iran's former hard-liner president Ahmadinejad launches new bid

 @ISIDEWITH asked…34mins34m

In the case of a sudden political vacuum, would you support the return of a divisive but experienced leader?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…34mins34m

How would you feel about a leader known for bold and controversial decisions returning to power in your country?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…34mins34m

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Bold Return: A New Bid for Iran's Presidency Amidst Political Turmoil


 @ISIDEWITH linked…1hr1H

Mexicans Go to Polls in Historic Election, as 2 Women Vie to Lead the Country

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…1hr1H

Mexico on the Brink of History with First Female President Amidst Election Turmoil


 @ISIDEWITH asked…1hr1H

How do you think such power plays by a leader affect the citizens of their country?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…1hr1H

What are your thoughts on a leader threatening another country publicly?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…1hr1H

How would you feel if a leader of your country frequently changed high-ranking officials to maintain control?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…1hr1H

Putin's Power Play: Defense Ministry Shakeup and Global Threats


 @ISIDEWITH linked…2hrs2H

Labour denies trying to buy Diane Abbott off with peerage as row rumbles on

 @ISIDEWITH linked…2hrs2H

Diane Abbott still weighing up whether to stand for Labour ally says amid peerage offer claim

 @ISIDEWITH asked…2hrs2H

How would you feel if a politician you respected was pressured to step aside for a new candidate?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

Diane Abbott's Political Future Sparks Controversy Within Labour Party


 @ISIDEWITH linked…3hrs3H

Analysis: Which Nevada candidates have benefited from federal loans?

 @ISIDEWITH linked…3hrs3H

The PPP is a problem-solving political party

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…3hrs3H

Global Political Parties Focus on Problem-Solving Amidst Economic Challenges


 @ISIDEWITH linked…3hrs3H

Akron, Ohio mass shooting leaves 1 dead, 26 wounded

 @ISIDEWITH asked…3hrs3H

In your opinion, what measures can be taken to prevent incidents of mass shootings in communities?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…3hrs3H

Tragic Mass Shooting in Akron, Ohio: 1 Dead, 26 Injured


 @ISIDEWITH linked…4hrs4H

David Axelrod says Dems who want Biden to step aside should ‘give up’ on ‘fantasy’ he will bow out

 @ISIDEWITH linked…4hrs4H

Steven V. Roberts: Why debates matter

 @ISIDEWITH asked…4hrs4H

Should a president's decisions on foreign conflicts influence whether they are suitable for re-election?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…4hrs4H

Do you think leaders should be able to make significant military decisions without public approval?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…4hrs4H

How would you feel if your country changed its policy to support a foreign conflict more aggressively?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…4hrs4H

Biden's Policy Shift on Ukraine and the Ongoing Debate Over His Political Future


 @ISIDEWITH linked…5hrs5H

Trump joins TikTok despite previously seeking a ban

 @ISIDEWITH linked…5hrs5H

Donald Trump joins TikTok at UFC 302 just hours after Stormy Daniels' Mirror interview

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…5hrs5H

Donald Trump Makes Surprising Entry into TikTok, Igniting Waves of Reaction


 @ISIDEWITH linked…6hrs6H

South Africa's potential kingmakers battle with white image

 @ISIDEWITH linked…6hrs6H

S. Africa’s potential kingmakers struggle with white image

 @ISIDEWITH linked…6hrs6H

What the ANC's legacy means for South Africa's past and future

 @ISIDEWITH asked…6hrs6H

Do you believe that breaking a long-standing political majority is necessary for a country's progress?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…6hrs6H

South Africa at a Crossroads: The DA's Challenge to Transform and Lead


 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

Zelensky criticised Biden over Atacms ban

 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

Russian deputy district head killed while inspecting unexploded bomb, local official says

 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

Local official dies in Russia's Belgorod as ammunition detonates, governor says

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

Tragic Blast in Belgorod: Local Official Killed Amidst Tensions


 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

Plot twist: WA has a law against felons running for office

 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

A Felon in the Oval Office Would Test the American System

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

The Challenge of a Felon President: America's Constitutional Test


 @ISIDEWITH linked…8hrs8H

‘Put Scotland’s interests first’: John Swinney to officially launch SNP campaign

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…8hrs8H

SNP Launches General Election Campaign with a Call to Prioritize Scotland's Interests


 @ISIDEWITH linked…10hrs10H

Bernie Sanders to Boycott ‘War Criminal’ Bibi’s Address to Congress

 @ISIDEWITH asked…10hrs10H

Should politicians prioritize their moral stance over diplomatic etiquette in international relations?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…10hrs10H

Bernie Sanders Leads Boycott Against Netanyahu's Congressional Address


 @ISIDEWITH linked…11hrs11H

Upcoming European elections could tip Meloni's political balancing act

 @ISIDEWITH asked…10hrs10H

What are your thoughts on a political figure potentially becoming a 'kingmaker' in a context where their views could gre…


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…10hrs10H

European Elections: A Crucial Test for Italy's Giorgia Meloni and Her Far-Right Agenda


 @ISIDEWITH asked…12hrs12H

Can appreciating a politician's communication style be separate from agreeing with their policies or actions?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…12hrs12H

How important is it for you that a leader's communication style feels genuine and not overly polished?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…12hrs12H

Charlamagne Tha God Commends Trump's Unique Political Communication Style


 @ISIDEWITH asked…12hrs12H

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Michael Watson in the 2024 Mississippi Secretary of State Election?


 @ISIDEWITH linked…12hrs12H

Peace talks without Russia laughable John Mearsheimer

 @ISIDEWITH linked…12hrs12H

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy arrives in Singapore to speak at Shangri-La Dialogue on Sunday

 @ISIDEWITH linked…12hrs12H

Zelenskyy attends security meeting, seeks support for Ukraine peace summit

 @ISIDEWITH asked…12hrs12H

What role do you think international conferences play in solving global issues?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…12hrs12H

How do you feel about a country's leader traveling far from their homeland to seek support during a conflict?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…12hrs12H

Zelenskyy Seeks Global Support at Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore


 @ISIDEWITH linked…14hrs14H

Trump found guilty: 5 key aspects of the trial explained by a law professor

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…14hrs14H

Trump Convicted: A Nation Reacts to Historic Verdict
