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57 Replies

 @9GV5DV6Democrat from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Oil is only a temporary solution to supply the world with energy. We need to invest now into long-term, sustainable forms of energy that are not polluting Earth. The fact that we will run out soon means we are not creating a viable situation for our future generations. Its time we stop leaving burdens for future people. Climate change is going to continue to grow if we don't make changes now.

 @9GV8W98 from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

Yes. I agree that we need to find different solutions and fund our current other solutions that could be great substainable energy sources that would work, they just need more time, money, and energy put into them by the government and other investors in order to preserve the planet and prolong our time on the earth


I do agree with this comment. Oil drilling is not only harmful to the planet from its pollutants, both directly in the case of oil spills and indirectly with polluting of the atmosphere, but it isn't reliable. There's only going to be so much oil and, eventually, we're going to run out. If we do so without enough energy already available to replace it, our society is doomed.

 @9GV84MN  from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

Agree. Sustainable forms of energy need to be a top priority so we can limit the impact of climate change and reduce reliance on a form of energy that, once depleted, will cripple the world economy.

 @9H3BNZ4 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

The pollution within the air from oil drilling and the damage to the marine and land environment shows extreme climate change as a result.

 @9H28X6H from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

Instead of destroying the environment, endangering our marine ecosystems, and leaning toward our dependence on oil, I think it would be beneficial to move away from fossil fuels and move toward renewable energy. This transition would create jobs, benefit the economy, save the environment, and set the world up to continue producing energy indefinitely instead of relying on finite resources.

 @9H2F5SY from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

Oil drilling can be devastating for the environment, its unhealthy for the planet and should be reduced as much as possible

 @9GXDKM5 from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

Oil drilling is cuasing harm to the enviroment as well as contiuing many of the issues in the climate movement.

 @9H4SSN9Democratfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Oil drilling is awful for our planet and is a waste of time and money due to cheaper alternatives like onshore wind turbines and solar panels that can generate more power more quickly, effectively, and cheaper providing less financial burden to the average American.

 @9H3GBGBPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

It does more damage then good. Our climate change really is increasing and many animals are left without homes and food because of this.


Oil drilling has time and time again proven the fact that it has a high chance of harming the environment and has ended the long term life spans of coral reefs all around the world.

 @9H4SKGC from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

They're willing to damage the oceans which make up 70% of the Earth's surface, and not only will it cause drastic, negative changes like many marine life being killed off, it could also change the weather patterns which would impact the continents

 @9HBK9V5 from Florida disagreed…6mos6MO

Oil drilling is terrible for the environment and this world will be destroyed if they continue to do that.

 @9GQVH42 from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

We were put on this Earth and we are lucky to be here. We are not the only living things on this planet and we need to protect the plants and animals from danger as well.

 @9GSY6X8 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

That oil drilling and all other fossil fuels are non-renewable so as the population rises the supply will get higher meaning it will only get more, and more expensive. It also is terrible for the environment.


yes, No i think that is a really idea because we are just destroying out home planet quicker we should look for smarter and healthy ways to make energy to drive around are cars around.

 @9GSNHJJ from California disagreed…7mos7MO

offshore drilling is bad for the environment, the same funding should go to environmentally sustainable energy.

 @9GHM9WK from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

its terrible, its bad for our environment and were not going to live long if you keep messing with the ecosystem

 @9GYHYLB from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

if we keep destroying the ocean, more people will starve and the air would be destroyed which result in everyone being screwed.

 @9FVTDRBIndependent from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Oil drilling destroys wildlife and isn’t sustainable. Oil won’t be around forever so we need a better solution.

 @9H2KCDG from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

Oil drilling harms the earth, and why drill and waste money when we could use electricity which is cheaper and healthier for the environment.

 @9G5N22X from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

No, the Oil Drilling policies are not okay. They are going to hurt, animals, and our environment. Global warming is already an issue and Oil drilling is just going to make it worse

 @9MP3242Democrat from New York disagreed…2wks2W

Oil is a finite resource, and mining it incurs a great cost on the environment. There are better ways to obtain energy, such as thorium fission power (a form of nuclear power that has reduced waste and is more efficient).

 @9MHKF3Q from California disagreed…3wks3W

Oil drilling is one of the reasons we have so much air pollution and why are environment is at a fast decline.

 @9MHHLXD from California disagreed…3wks3W

Oil drilling revolves around environmental concerns and the long-term sustainability of fossil fuel extraction. Advocates for environmental conservation argue that continued oil drilling exacerbates climate change by releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and its associated impacts such as sea level rise, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss.

 @9M7P6BVSocialist from Texas disagreed…4wks4W

It is bad and has destroyed many water homes and homes for our animals and economy. Although it has its benefits for us.

 @9LZ76K8 from Michigan disagreed…1mo1MO

Drilling for oil is definitely damaging our planet, the environment, organisms in the sea and on land but we have no choice under our current circumstances to continue these practices for now.

 @9LL63CH from Colorado disagreed…2mos2MO

Oil drilling has negative environmental effects and prolongs the dependence on non-renewable resources such as oil. It is better to retrain workers in these industries in renewable sources of energy. This ensures that workers in these industries will be able to economically survive the eventual switch from non-renewable energy to renewable energy sources

 @9LKHMWZ from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

With the advent of Electric Vehicles, we will see a decrease in the need for more oil. Also we must consider the destruction that drilling causes to Gods green earth and what kinds of externalities it will have on other industries like fishing..

 @9L58KXV from Connecticut disagreed…2mos2MO

It hurts the environment so much to drill further in more locations :( like duh theres cheaper less hurtful and more affordable energy resources that wont kill the world.

 @9K6M5R4 from Pennsylvania disagreed…3mos3MO

You dumb **** s are destroying this planet for a couple of bucks. Grow a pair of balls and stop burning the world.

 @9JTRFTG from Maine disagreed…4mos4MO

Dude, oil drilling is so goddamn harmful to the environment, and you’re saying yes to it? Pretty cringe ain’t ya

 @9JQQ2H3 from Minnesota disagreed…4mos4MO

the world will be destroyed by climate change if we keep using fossil fuels, we have other options and can't keep digging for oil

 @9JKXWCX from New York disagreed…4mos4MO

although you might think that it is very harmful to the environment. Spending money on drilling is also a con when we should be spending it on more important things. It also creates dangerous emission fuels.

 @9HY8SJF from Arkansas disagreed…5mos5MO

I think they should stop oil drilling because we do not need a lot of oil we just use it as we see fit and it is getting in the ocean and killing the world

 @9JTFWMGPeace and Freedom from Oregon disagreed…4mos4MO

If drilling for oil throughout the ocean continues, how high of funds would be set aside for keeping the area clean of oil, having cleanup crews on the side in case of an oil spill, and having policies and other things in place in order to protect the surrounding ocean life?

 @9JS9PB3 from Oregon disagreed…4mos4MO

It is polluting our earth, but we can decrease the amount of oil drilling we have done but still have some. But the amount we are doing right now is not enough for the earth to keep up.

 @9J924KQ from Michigan disagreed…4mos4MO

There is not a sustainable amount of fossil fuels to support our current consumption. We will eventually run out anyway. If we transition to a more renewable form of energy we can sustain this indefinitely while combating climate change. Even if people "do not believe climate change is real", what is the alternative if they are wrong? We are going to be left with an efficient cleaner energy industry or we could see climate change increase that impacts billions of people. The cost of fixing our costal cities, the famine created by changing climates and the number of people that could…  Read more

 @9H7F459 from Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

oil drilling is not good for the environment and can cause the extension of many arctic animals or can put them in a state of starvation/torture

 @9H5NSNL from New York disagreed…6mos6MO

That oil drilling acts as a superior energy resource that is positive for most Americans across the US and has access to getting new jobs and increasing new habitats.

 @9G9HKM3 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Oil's going to burn the Earth and the US down along with it. Ending oil drilling will aid in stopping oil from being burned. Oil currently is a keystone in US energy consumption and economy, so I won't go so far as to suggest to cut all drilling immediately, but to stop its expansion and slowly end drilling.

 @9G7MBRY from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

The money being spent on expansion to oil drilling (an extremely dangerous process which also contributed to observable ocean pollution, regardless of your belief in climate change) would be better spent on other energy systems or on converting existing oil platforms to hydroelectric or geothermal plants instead, as these are safer, less damaging to the ocean environment, and more consistent compared to limited oil reserves.

 @9FN4KCKGreen from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

Fossil Fuels and Oil is starting to irreversibly change the Earth's atmosphere for the worse. Having more sustainable and cleaner energy sources would heal the ozone layer, prevent more extreme weather, slow down the melting of the ice caps, and prevent the destruction of Earth.


Oil Drilling should not continue because it damages the environment. The more we use it for electricity, and for cars, we increase green house gases, causing global warming. This hurts our children, because of how much we use in fossil fuels, there will be no more for them, and it hurts the environment by raising sea levels, and unpredictable weather. We must stop using fossil fuels to provide a better life for our children and future generations.

 @9GYW53D from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

Primary Power Sources in the US
Natural gas 36%
Petroleum (crude oil and natural gas plant liquids) 31%
Renewable energy 13%
Coal 12%
Nuclear electric power 8%

 @9GH8MPB from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

Oil drilling is hazardous to the environment, the long term economy, and the people living near the refinement and burning facilities. Fossil fuels in houses and refineries in neighborhoods can lead to dangerous chronic diseases such as asthma, or, in extreme cases, CO poisoning. The contributions to climate change are harmful to the long term economy because climate change will increase food prices, and decrease world stability.

 @9GC2L37 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The environmental concern far outweighs the potential short term benefits of increased oil drilling. Drastic changes are required to preserve/promote/create an eco friendly way of life.

 @9G9D7QW from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

The oil drilling may be making us a lot of money, but if we overall decrease our spending on most things, we can account of this. At the end of the day, the people who are saying yes, are either 1 profiting from it, and won't be alive to see the consequences, or 2, unknowing of how damaging this is. Oil drilling and other things like it are destroying out planet, and we will not be able to recover by 2050.

 @9G2RQVM from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

killing the planet, nothing worth doing is ever easy and that include transitioning to cleaner energy.

 @9FT2S5H from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

Oil drilling will cause more of the ice to melt in the future in the artics which will lead to overall temperatures rising in the earth


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