Try the political quiz

31 Replies

 @9F86WC2  from Kansas agreed…9mos9MO

Top Agreement

it's not efficient or effective

it drives up private health insurance costs

many people can't afford it

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

 @9F97S2LProgressive from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

access to free, or lower cost, healthcare should be offered to the largely impoverished nation. More importantly, we are the one of the only developed nations without universal healthcare.

 @9F6XTRX from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Programs like Obama Care are a step in the right direction towards free/affordable healthcare. Healthcare shouldn't have to be a worry for people in the 21st century.

 @9F7YSQK  from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

The constitution guarantees the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, providing healthcare to the people should be considered part of these rights.

 @9F9BQHMRepublican from Oklahoma disagreed…9mos9MO

This "providing of healthcare" increases everyones taxes and only ends up helping a microscopic percentage of the united states and the people actually paying for it. As great as it sounds free universal health care is something that is just not a possibility because you end up paying for it one way or another.

 @9F86XVTRepublican from Florida agreed…9mos9MO

Obamacare is bright for Democrats, but as a Republican this is a stupid idea going against my beliefs. Work hard. Nothing is perfectly easy in life. Especially not healthcare. There are American citizens who work harder than anyone and still pay for their healthcare. Nothing is impossible in todays society, and hypocrites will go out and show their political stance on abortion, taxes and free healthcare but can't work? Weird.

 @9F8DKXK from Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

People with affordable healthcare that they don't have to pay for seem to overuse it for unneeded things while others are getting there taxes raised for it.

 @9F7XRCQ from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

When Obamacare was created, the government and federal debt inside the Gov’s bank account rose about 20%, and the majority of the people became dependent on healthcare, therefore quoting some of their jobs and getting rid of a lot of the work they were doing trying to live off of the government, only allowing the government more control.

 @9F7PWKM from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

Obama care is pointless I would rather get Medicaid and have a job than pay taxes for people not to work and get practically free Medicaid

 @9FBHGLF from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

People who oppose of the Obamacare think that all Americans don't need health care but I think all Americans should have healthcare for safety reasons.

 @9F7RD6NRepublican from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

When you can’t afford to go to the doctor because the cost of your insurance depleted you income. Deductibles were ridiculous!

 @9F8535M from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

We are paying the price for it today with higher insurance premiums and many limitations due to high deductibles on many services and procedures.

 @97T8W29Republican from California disagreed…2yrs2Y

After working in healthcare for the last 15 years (clerical) and billing insurance I have found that many policies that came out around the time were minimalist coverage so you didn't have to pay taxes at the end of the year. Many people take advantage of this or are uninformed the policy is intentionally bogus to circumvent the system and expect their "insurance" to cover things. I also find it difficult to support because the problem is that insurance was just too expensive and the solution was to force people to buy it. This is what happens when you ask the government to control something that is fundamentally broken and replace it with something that is equally as bad. Good Idea on paper, poorly executed delivery.

 @9FFD54N from California disagreed…9mos9MO

I think many people take advantage of the obamacare i think they should only have it open to certain people

 @9F8XTF7 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

I think everyone should have health care because not everyone jobs provides it and a lot of people can't afford it.

 @9F6PXR7 from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Obamacare does not infringe on our current policy regarding health insurance. It does not replace health insurance (which would align with a more limited government), it only adds the opportunity for those who cannot afford insurance to receive it.

 @9F7XTP6 from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

During Obama’s presidency, my family had to pay for a plan that covered pregnancy and birth procedures despite my mother’s physical inability to carry a child. Forcing one plan onto every person and family unit means that healthcare is less personalized and less effective for everyone’s unique needs.

 @9F7PWKM from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

i really can't answer this question without sounding offensive People need Obama care but they ask for too much money on taxes while the program helps people it's not worth the overload of money Also there are many places to get Medicade cheaper Obama care isn't the only place

 @9FLTSXW from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

there is too much tax payer money being funneled to Obama care while many Americans do not use the service

 @9F7YG9FDemocrat from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Programs will effect everyone is a good way, lets say if you were homeless or lost your job, those programs can help you transitions as you try to find more jobs.

 @9FG53VG from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

I would ask them if they like mdeicare and the ability to go a hospital and not have to spend thousands of dollars for a minor boo boo

 @9F7CX44Libertarian from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

Current healthcare costs are too high and driven by pharmaceutical companies, private medical technology firms and corrupt relationships with congress. Furthermore, US health outcomes are poor compared with peer countries. Obamacare is a step in the right direction but does not do enough towards affordable healthcare for all US citizens.

 @9F73MX7 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

it saves many peoples lives and it plays a big part in families and individuals, so its essential to keep to continue saving lives.

 @9F737CZ from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

Access to high-quality care shouldn't be limited by financial means: that values lives equivalent to money.

 @9F5HQ59 from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

This supports those that cannot afford healthcare. Hence the reason it’s called the “Affordable Healthcare Act” and not Obamacare.

 @9F545PG from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

It supports people with medical needs and without it everyone would have to rely even more on insurance to pay for medical bills

 @9F7V58S from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

not supporting cheaper healthcare that has been widely spread so it can be used by people who need it is pointless while it should be an option for everyone

 @9F7TR4C from California disagreed…9mos9MO

your rich and you dont understant how it is not going to the doctor becaues you need to pay rent or have food for yourself or your kids

 @9F6CCFK from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Listen times have changed, At one time America was thriving employment was great now we have people who have to decide whether to buy food or pay for medicine. Let's help these people who helped build our nation live! support Obamacare


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