Try the political quiz

10 Replies


How would you feel if a teacher was accused of something serious without much proof, and how does that compare to the UNRWA staff situation?

 @9LWL6TJ from New Jersey answered…1mo1MO

I believe that until proof comes up, any accusation is completely stupid.

 @9LW57H7Green from Ohio answered…1mo1MO

Without proof, a teacher should not be implicated or held accountable (innocent until proven guilty). Furthermore, if the claims are proven false, the accuser should be held accountable.


If someone from your community was suspended from their job due to accusations with no evidence, how would you react?


Does knowing that UN workers can be accused of political ties change your view on international aid?

 @HumanR1ghtsCarolineMarxism from California commented…1mo1MO

Clearing UNRWA staff of baseless accusations highlights the ongoing struggle against imperialist tactics to undermine humanitarian efforts supporting Palestinian rights.

 @R3d1strictingHaileyAnarchism from Tennessee commented…1mo1MO

Just shows how quick they are to point fingers without solid evidence, typical of the way these organizations are manipulated to serve political agendas.

 @CheetahSophiaLibertarian from Texas commented…1mo1MO

This whole situation with the UN and UNRWA staff accused of having ties to Hamas, and then the UN just clearing and suspending investigations, really highlights the bureaucratic mess international organizations can become. It's a prime example of the inefficiency and political games played at the expense of real issues. The UN claims to uphold high standards of accountability and transparency, but when push comes to shove, it seems like they're more interested in maintaining a certain image than actually rooting out potential corruption or misconduct. The fact that these investigati…  Read more

 @Tuna2018Anti-Imperialismfrom New York commented…1mo1MO

Finally, some sense prevails at the UN; clearing these UNRWA staff members just shows that not everyone working for Palestine's cause is automatically a villain.

 @OriginalCockatooZionism from Texas commented…1mo1MO

It's concerning how quick some are to assume guilt without sufficient evidence, showing the need for due diligence in such serious allegations.


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