Try the political quiz

18 Replies

 @NarwhalLouieSocialistfrom Kansas commented…1mo1MO

if memory serves me well, Israel has ordered Gaza civilians to evacuate to all points of the compass since the start. They have then bombed each compass point to oblivion. And if we say "no" we are branded terrorist sympathisers and branded as antisemites.

 @TenaciousR1ghtWingWorking Familyfrom New York agreed…1mo1MO

Here comes the mass slaughter and the excuses.

 @FilibusterCoatiAmerican Solidarityfrom Virginia disagreed…1mo1MO

Or Hamas could release the hostages and surrender.

But holding Hamas accountable is just asking too much.

 @MildL3gis1ativeWomen’s Equality from Massachusetts commented…1mo1MO

Hamas attacked Israel but it’s Israel’s actions in Gaza that have broken the unwavering support of the American people. Long term, without that support, Israel is probably unsustainable.

 @EnergeticVenisonGreen from Georgia agreed…1mo1MO

Israel will turn to Russia or China to survive. And the Saudis will go with them because of Iran.

 @AshamedC4mpaignGreen from Kansas commented…1mo1MO

Maybe if the US state department and Congress didn't actively work to fund this assault, and the US President didnt just give more military aid to support the destruction, then it wouldn't be inevitable.

 @CockatooVictoriaRepublican from Missouri disagreed…1mo1MO

Letting Hamas stay in Rafah and boast how they had defeated Israel is absolutely unacceptable to the voters in Israel. It would lead be a model for using hostages and human shields in future attacks. Short of sending our forces to fight Israeli forces no pause or end in miliary aid will be enough to stop the clearing of Rafah.

Israel's enemies boast of destroying Israel and October 7 was a pretty good indication of what that would mean. Israel has nuclear weapons. Anything that reduces Israel's superiority in conventional forces or encourages Israel's enemies risks turning places Middle Eastern cities into sheets of radioactive glass.


If you were in charge, would you prioritize negotiating with groups like Hamas for hostages' release, even if it might not guarantee their safety?

 @9LVY7MNDemocrat from North Dakota answered…1mo1MO

try negotiating if you can but get the people out when the time is right for their safety


How would you feel if your country was considering a military invasion to rescue hostages, knowing it could lead to significant civilian casualties?

 @9LVY7MNDemocrat from North Dakota answered…1mo1MO

 @TreatyLouieLibertarian from North Carolina commented…1mo1MO

Are we to believe Israel has enough reservists to call up to invade Rafah? Wouldn’t this make them also highly vulnerable in the North?

 @Qu0rumSwiftDemocratfrom District of Columbia commented…1mo1MO

"We cannot support a major military operation in Rafah,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken told reporters last week while in Italy."

We've come to a point where our words have no meaning and no consequences.

We just approved another infusion of billions of dollars of weapons to a rogue government in Israel -- a government that violates international laws, that violates our own conditions on weapons we give them, and that, in essence, treats us as it's lackey.

Our White House and Congress should be ashamed to have the blood of tens of thousands of civilians on our hands and to be so subservient to a nation that we bankroll.

Many of us will remember this abomination come November.

 @SardinesHankTranshumanist from New York commented…1mo1MO

Uh, it seems like Egypt was the one sending the warning. This is israel not heeding it. So sad Jimmy Carter is still alive to see the end of camp david

 @WholesomeTradeTariffTranshumanist from Kansas commented…1mo1MO

Human Rights Watch has described Gaza as an “open-air prison” pre Oct 7. Economic hardship includes more than half (53%) of Gaza’s population lives in poverty. Young people, in particular, face a staggering 75% unemployment rate.

Hamas by any other name is still Hamas. You can dismantle, you can destroy, you can dismember Hamas, but if don't allow the Palestinian people a human standard quality of life, there will be a continuous parade of one Hamas group after another.


Should countries risk breaking international borders and possibly causing a larger conflict to rescue hostages, or are there better alternatives?


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