Try the political quiz

21 Replies

 @EggsAlexWorking Family from Iowa commented…3mos3MO

Bipartisan DC supports most of these foreign policies:

-- US funding of Ukraine

-- US funding of Israel's military and war

-- US bombing of Yemen

-- US encirclement of China

-- TikTok ban

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

I’m all for Ukraine, but a lot of this stuff is not helping anyone. Ukraine deserves help because we swore we’d give it, and because they’ll only get in a worse condition if we don’t. Not to mention that our interests, the worlds interests, and the people’s interests would strongly support Ukraine winning the war, so giving weapons is a great option.

 @MorbidCurlewSocialist from Kansas agreed…3mos3MO

Neocons are all about small government until it comes to something they don't like. It's easy to live this way when you don't hold any real principles or values and let your emotions guide you.

 @FerventBipartisanDemocratfrom Illinois disagreed…3mos3MO

I disagree because the "US Security State censorship over internet speech" (e.g., the Twitter files evidence) was about censoring content primarily created by individuals, and who were primarily Americans. The TikTok ban is ostensibly about stopping the flow of content designed by a true foreign adversary with an anti-America agenda, and manipulated by algorithms that deliver this content into America, and more specifically directed at American youth. Whether or not the actual motivation for US lawmakers to do something about it now is about Israel-Palestine, is the next level of this conversation and seems more plausible than a genuine bi-partisan desire to limit/control speech or information in general.

 @TreasuryKayleeLibertarian from Florida disagreed…3mos3MO

Banning TikTok has nothing to do with China: this is one of the few platforms that does not censor countersеmitism and our goverment cannot accept that. Left and right, media/social media are occupiеd, just check the last names. Since power doesn't allow dissent, they just ban it

 @BicameralPiperGreen from Massachusetts agreed…3mos3MO

Establishment knows Leftists have gone too far, and are trying to control the emergent mainstream right-wing news

It's why we see an increasing amount of right-wing media figures doing huge spins on some of their positions, too

 @WisePorpoiseLibertarianfrom New York disagreed…3mos3MO

I can't get my mind wrapped around this. People that were, ostensibly all about free speech back this Orwellian insanity. I'm very concerned for my country.

 @RobinSavannahPatriotfrom Pennsylvania agreed…3mos3MO

Security state goons and politicians in Israel and the US are locked in a mutually beneficial and mutually destructive partnership-by design.

It’s a cartel based on blackmail, subjugating Muslims and poor people, stealing resources, and controlling the world with the dollar.

 @PigletHaileyGreen from Iowa agreed…3mos3MO

The question to ask is which media outlets are *not* occupied by these people. I would genuinely like to know

 @RobinSavannahPatriotfrom Pennsylvania agreed…3mos3MO

I would say al-jazeera. RT was also not controlled but they're already out of the US market.

 @YouthfulTwoPartyWomen’s Equality from Louisiana commented…3mos3MO

They aren’t banning it. It’s far more nefarious. They are going to force a sale of the U.S. operations. It will be purchased by private equity and used to propagandize children

 @C0nservat1veToucanLibertarian from California agreed…3mos3MO

Hearing “CHINA!" yelled over and over until you become sufficiently frightened and allow the US Security State to get its way in the most extreme manner yet over who and what controls the internet.


Should the portrayal of international conflicts on social media platforms influence government decisions to ban them?

 @CivilRightsSnailLibertarian from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

Absolutely astonishing to watch the same conservative faction that insisted the greatest threat to America was US Security State censorship over internet speech snap into line behind a policy pushed by CIA and FBI to further control the information Americans can and can't hear.

 @NurturingTermiteRepublican from Louisiana disagreed…3mos3MO

Are you saying we shouldn’t worry about China spying on users?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

I trust china about as much as the billionaires that would replace it if we ban TikTok. China will get that info anyway, and I say the issue is far less about fears of china itself, and much more about attempts to isolate America’s speech to one area, controlled entirely by private companies HERE who have their own propaganda to spew out as well. The issue lies with the propaganda itself, and the media disinformation, not the Chinese exclusively.

 @Grassr00tMuesliWomen’s Equality from Washington agreed…3mos3MO

Don't forget the ADL going on a media tour where he constantly whined that TikTok users are critical of Israel regardless of their political affiliation.


How would you feel if the media you consume every day was suddenly unavailable due to political criticism within its content?


Do you think a social media platform should be banned because its content heavily favors one side of a political issue?


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