Try the political quiz

44 Replies

 @9HP7387  from Iowa disagreed…6mos6MO

What's the alternative to police? If you have an emergency, an intruder in your home, or you see somebody get shot, who would you call to help? If the police are defunded, there won't be as many officers to reply and arrive to the scene fast enough, there will be a limited amount of squad cars, and there won't be enough money for proper training for the officers. Neighborhood watch communities can only do so much, the police can end conflict in an efficient manner.

 @9HPG7KG from Louisiana commented…6mos6MO

Here's the deal.

LEOs are NOT legally responsible for the service or protection of civilians, as per US Supreme Court.

LEOs are supposed to report or react to a crime.

Our second amendment is what we use.

A well run militia, NOT army or guard.

The younger generation has No Clue what 2nd class citizens, much less a 3rd world without an infrastructure any more.

 @9HMYJZQRepublican from Florida disagreed…6mos6MO

The police department is built to keep us safe and does a pretty good job at it. Defunding it just puts us in more danger and leaves innocent people having to wait longer to receive help.

 @9HN5BKJ from West Virginia disagreed…6mos6MO

George Floyd was a convicted criminal and was a threat at the time, the restraint was necessary and people should not idolize this behavior, especially criminals.

 @9HL4V9FRepublican from Illinois disagreed…6mos6MO

The police are here to protect us. They use the best judgement they have and everyone needs to remember that the police are just humans. They make mistakes but they should not be defunded because of only a handful of situations. The police force has done much more good for our country then bad.

 @HouseofMouse  from Texas commented…6mos6MO

The police system is one of many concepts that work better in theory, rather than in practice because of who fills those roles. If it were a more local standpoint I could potentially see myself backing this system, but because of the various reports of minorities being treated with more brutality than someone who's white, I'm strongly against supporting such a cause. I'm much more willing to support a system like firefighters as they choose to protect any individual, regardless of their gender and/or race. It's important to keep in mind that these individuals are human, which also means that their actions are reflected in their beliefs and views of the world, which can mean that they treat their citizens with kindness, but it can also lead to racial profiling in many cases.

 @9HYX3G4 from New York disagreed…5mos5MO

Although George Floyd was handled incorrectly, he was still resisting arrest and was under the influence of drugs making him unpredictable. There will always be bad people in every profession but, overall, the police need proper funding to carry out their jobs and keep people safe.

 @96BMLQJ  from Alabama disagreed…5mos5MO

This calls for more funding, not less. Also better, more efficient allocation of these funds to better train our police force to handle these situations. George Floyd's death being called murder is questionable at best. He was not a hero; he was a criminal.

 @9J2BJ88 from Georgia disagreed…5mos5MO

Our police need increased funding for training, and for psychological evaluations & checkpoints more often, it should be mandatory, especially after an extreme encounter like a fatality.

 @9HL3L6MDemocrat from Florida disagreed…6mos6MO

That unless part of that money is being used to help educate the police on how to respond to racial cases with African American people than I think funding should be cut down some.

 @HouseofMouse  from Texas commented…6mos6MO

I loved your perspective on using that money to spread awareness of issues African Americans continue to face. I think that cutting down the funds and using it for something of that nature would be an amazing start!

 @9HMCQN6 disagreed…6mos6MO

Without the police being properly funded, criminals will feel more obligated to commit crimes. The police install a fear factor within the country that helps keep people accountable for themselves. Without proper funds, they will appear weak and useless in the eyes of citizens.

 @HouseofMouse from Texas commented…5mos5MO

There are ways to regulate the behaviors of people without instilling fear in them. A much more effective alternative would be to defund the militaristic side of the police and push for something more community-based that still holds citizens accountable.

 @9HL6536Republican from Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

The police play a crucial role in enforcing the law and maintaining public order. Reducing their funding could lead to an increase in crime and delinquency. Cuts to the police budget could result in mass layoffs of officers and a reduction in the essential services they provide to the community. Instead of defunding, police reform should be considered that addresses systemic problems but maintains police capacity to fulfill their role in protecting the community.

 @9HLVJ9M from Tennessee agreed…6mos6MO

I wouldn't say defund the police but i would say, some of its funds should go towards the people as well. Police departments have been abusing their authority and using it for their advantage which is not okay.

 @9HLRF4W  from North Carolina agreed…6mos6MO

YES we should defund the police and the creation of cop city IS alarming it would set us back and those police officers are trained by the same evil people bomobing and killing innocent people.

 @9HKZZWY  from Florida disagreed…6mos6MO

The police should merely be held more accountable for certain actions. Things like body-camera's often serve as appropriate evidence in case of any dispute, and funding is fine as-is.

 @9HQQF6P from Ohio disagreed…5mos5MO

Police are necessary. When you are in a life or death situation, you will want them to have funding.

 @9HL3C4N from Indiana disagreed…6mos6MO

I disagree to defunding the police because without the police their would be no law enforcement and would be chaos.

 @HouseofMouse  from Texas commented…6mos6MO

There have been civilizations that have persevered without the police system, which leads me to believe that there are more viable solutions for regulating our communities.

 @9HLW8GK  from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

In order for police to better handle situations like in the case of George Floyd, and for police to handle stressful situations better, they need better training. And in order for police to receive better training, more funding needs to be provided to law enforcement. The better the training for police officers, the better they will respond to situations, preventing incidents like George Floyd's

 @9HPXZ43 from California agreed…5mos5MO

The police threaten us more than they protect us. Every single year there are thousands of cases of police brutality and police wrongdoing that go completely unpunished and ignored due to qualified immunity. The people who are meant to protect us are instead given carte blanche to commit crimes and even kill people. That’s not even mentioning the amount of money that taxpayers have to pay in settlements after these police officers commit crimes. The police aren’t a vehicle of justice and safety, they are a government sanctioned gang of criminals with the power to murder people. ACAB.

 @9HSV47Yfrom Maine agreed…5mos5MO

Defunding of the police is a useless idea as it does not allow for people to be protected from crimes such as Homicides or other types of violent crimes, instead the police should be trained more thoroughly and police officer should have regular medical, knowledge and psychological checks to ensure that they are fit for the job, I feel this would eliminate all kinds of police brutality.

 @HouseofMouse from Texas commented…5mos5MO

Absolutely! At the time the message was written, I had phrased it as something more vague.

 @9HRKRQ5Libertarian from California agreed…5mos5MO

Recently I had an unallowed person in my home who had previously locked me in a room and raped me. I asked this person to leave many times. He chose not to and became very belligerent. He then attempted to lock me in a room again. I hit him one time and pushed him out of my house which he shoved his way back into twice. When I called the police for help they arrested me. I lost my job, home, and may not be able to continue my degree. If the police are not here to help and are only her to make arrest, defunding needs to happen.jnjbn

 @HouseofMouse from Texas commented…5mos5MO

I’m so sorry that you had to be put through such a traumatic situation and didn’t get what you needed, especially from an institution that’s supposed to “protect and serve”.

 @9HQJRQZfrom Guam disagreed…5mos5MO

Law and order is the prerequisite to a stable society. It is the poor and racially diverse communities that are the most effected by criminal activity and that needs good, strong policing

 @9HPRP55 from Minnesota disagreed…6mos6MO

George Floyd died of a drug overdose, not from being placed in the maximal restraint technique. In order to have a better trained police department and prevent misconduct and police brutality, it is necessary to increase funding, in order to attract a higher tier of candidate, as well as better train officers.

 @9HLXTR6 from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

The police are the ones that protected us. Look what happened in BLM when people were looting because there was no police.

 @9HL4QSB from Wisconsin disagreed…6mos6MO

Yes, there has been many cases that could support defending the police. As you take away money from those who are there to protect and service, crimes rates will rise. The less money that is available for police to protect and serve the less justice they can serve. What happened to George Floyd was and incredibly sad moment, but it doesn't happen to everyone. There are different approaches those who have control could make, such as going before a judge, putting restrictions on what police can do, teaching Americas youth on who the Law system works.

 @YumiLibertarian  from Indiana disagreed…6mos6MO

Why are you using one example to defund all of the departments from polices? Especially using George Floyd made your take so much weaker. He was abusive towards his pregnant wife & attempted to stab her too. He served time for this. If you defund the police, you’re asking for more violent crimes and drug trafficking in places where poverty and homelessness is mostly prominent. Why don’t we do the complete opposite? Fund the police and give them more training, especially social training.

 @HouseofMouse  from Texas commented…6mos6MO

My example of George Floyd didn't serve as a reason for why all police systems should be defunded, but rather a more specific situation to better explain my claim. I still have much to research about the police system as a whole and the effects the community faces, but from what I've gathered, I'd say that there could be more successful alternatives that regulate our communities. There is still a heartbreaking number of black children who are taught at a young age how to respond to a police officer to prevent being shot/murdered. I once had a hesitant stance of saying ACAB, but…  Read more

 @9JCJZWM from Nebraska disagreed…4mos4MO

If we defund the police, how are we supposed to afford to train them and find the best candidates properly?

 @9HX98TY from Missouri agreed…5mos5MO

The police department is built to keep us safe and does a pretty good job at it. Defunding it just puts us in more danger and leaves innocent people having to wait longer to receive help.

 @9HTHG9Z from California agreed…5mos5MO

The facility is placed on the site of historic human rights violations and further detriments the impoverished local community.

 @9HSXL25 from Maine disagreed…5mos5MO

Police is a key organisation in a country where everybody can buy a gun in Wallmart. It should be even more financed

 @9HL34XY from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

The police keep us safe more than they hurt us. De funding them will kill more people than if we keep them. Most cops are good.

 @4B9RBKYRepublican disagreed…6mos6MO

In any well-functioning society, rules (aka laws) are needed. It would be nice if they were more limited, less convoluted, and focused on ensuring the safety and rights of individuals. Nevertheless, the alternative is anarchy. Because we need laws, we need law-enforcement.

The death of George Floyd was wrong. But so was the knee-jerk reaction from society. A penalty of 25 years for the officer was excessive considering there was never proof it was his intent to kill. It was easily a manslaughter case, but hardly a murder. And what about the other officers getting 4+ years in prison when at…  Read more

 @9HN33K9Constitution from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

If the police are defunded they will not be able to protect us and crime will over run and nothing will be week to be done


I get that but there are some cops out there that are pretty chill but for now I believe that all cops need to go back to training on how to prevent some of these outcomes

 @9HLQ4YQ from Virginia disagreed…6mos6MO

george floyd was on drugs and that was revealed to be his cause of death also if there are no cops the crime rate would be extreamlly high and you would call for some sort of police type thing

 @9HYZQN4Republican from Colorado disagreed…5mos5MO

People always want the police when something happens to them. But then others will always find a way to get the police in trouble when they are doing their job. The police are here to protect the laws and not be your friend all the time. It makes so mad people want to defund the people who protect us.

 @9HYGJ5DRepublican from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

When desperate times come how is police supposed to maintain order with less and less money being given to stock up

 @9HL87FNRepublican  from Rhode Island disagreed…6mos6MO

BY defending the police they have less training, they can't do proper screenings that they should have to see if the person is mentally right for the job


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