Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9LM7W7H from Montana disagreed…2mos2MO

You are a bad person. You believe that a homeless person in prison or out of sight is better than a homeless person on your front door step. "Of course" you say, "they would be doing x, or being y." You should oppose homelessness, not homeless people. And you do that not by moving them out of sight, but by giving them a home. It isn't your responsibility to be okay with someone living on your lawn, but it is your responsibility to not be okay that they don't have a better place to go. Ask more of the world you live in, and attack problems not people.

  @hiraeth2Democrat  from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

". . . but mostly it is [their fault]. . . "

Statistics? Source? For one thing, the question is about public property, not "the lawn of your home" (private property) so that is irrelevant. Second, I have been homeless myself and I will concede that many in such a predicament do have mental illness... but contrary to common lore, most are not lunatics running around chasing people. The vast majority are people who are mentally broken, exhausted, and afraid. It's NOT a fun or desirable way to live. And I promise, there are millions more people that are NOT homeless, like…  Read more

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