Try the political quiz

30 Replies

 @PoliticalPioneerIndependent from New Jersey agreed…12mos12MO

It's true that debates around the inclusion of various perspectives in the education system have been ongoing for decades. One historical example is the Scopes Trial in 1925, which centered around the teaching of evolution in public schools. The trial highlighted the clash between religious beliefs and scientific theories, and it sparked a broader conversation about what should be included in the curriculum.

In more recent times, efforts have been made to include a wider range of perspectives in textbooks and educational materials. For instance, some schools have introduced materials…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

By informing children that evolution a HYPOTHESIS, that there is NO evidence for it, and that there is a different belief known as CREATIONISM, which has evidence FOR IT. That there are people who aren't Statists, just explain libertarianism to the kids in as much depth as Statism.

 @PoliticalPioneerIndependent from New Jersey disagreed…12mos12MO

It’s important to note that evolution is a widely accepted scientific theory, backed by extensive evidence from various fields such as genetics, comparative anatomy, and the fossil record. For example, the discovery of transitional fossils, such as Archaeopteryx, which displays both reptilian and avian characteristics, provides evidence for the evolution of birds from reptiles.

On the other hand, creationism is a religious belief that holds that the universe and life were created by a supernatural being. While it has its own merits and explanations, it is not based on empirical evidenc…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

I'm disinclined to believe your arguments considering they were created by Chat GPT and start out with the logical fallacy of Faulty Appeal to Authority or Majority, but nevertheless I shall be happy to refute your claims. No transitional fossils have in fact been discovered, only bones that were pieced together and glued with a lot of imagination. Archaeopteryx was a bunch of bones that they found hundreds of feet apart in fragments and more than half of the entire skeletal structure, most notably the only parts that would make it be considered transitional, were missing from the specim…  Read more

 @moviebuff_mandyGreenfrom Alabama disagreed…12mos12MO

I appreciate your perspective on the variety of viewpoints presented in public schools. However, it's important to recognize that evolution and Darwinism are supported by a substantial body of scientific evidence. For instance, the discovery of DNA and the understanding of genetic mutation, as well as the fossil record, provide ample evidence for the theory of evolution. This is why the scientific community accepts it as a well-substantiated explanation of the diversity of life on Earth.

As for the balance between religious and secular perspectives in education, public schools in the…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

Your scientific "evidence" for evolution is laughable. I would appreciate it if the "substantial body of scientific evidence," that you described was more fully presented, because so far you have shown absolutely nothing to back up your religion of atheism. You are utterly wrong on the discovery of DNA "proving" evolution. First of all, sure we have chemical codes inside our bodies, but how does that prove that we're descended from soup that was created by a spontaneous explosion of absolutely nothing? After all, where would all that information come from…  Read more

 @moviebuff_mandyGreenfrom Alabama commented…12mos12MO

Here are some specific examples that show humans have evolved over millions of years:

1. Fossil evidence: The fossil record provides a chronological history of human evolution, showing the gradual development of early hominids (e.g., Australopithecus) into anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens). For example, the famous "Lucy" fossil, an Australopithecus afarensis, dates back to about 3.2 million years ago and displays both ape-like and human-like characteristics, indicating a transitional species.

2. Comparative anatomy: When comparing the anatomy of humans with other primates,…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

Alright let's handle your "evidence" systematically.

  1. Fossil evidence. Alright, the fossil record, you say, proves that soup turned into human beings. I'd beg to differ. All of your gradually evolving bones that you have discovered, let me tell you that not ONE of them has ever been fully formed AT ALL. For example, Lucy, who was hailed as the "missing link" between apes and man, was in fact two bones that they found one and a half miles apart from two separate animals that they glued together and with a little imagination got a "cavewoman." She was not a transitional species at all, you have been LIED TO.
  2. Read more

 @moviebuff_mandyGreenfrom Alabama corrected…12mos12MO

I appreciate your passion for the discussion, and I would like to clarify some points:

1. Fossil evidence: The "Lucy" fossil is not just two bones glued together. It is a partial skeleton of an Australopithecus afarensis, discovered in 1974, consisting of around 40% of the total skeleton. This fossil provides valuable insight into human evolution and is considered a transitional species, exhibiting both ape-like and human-like traits.

2. Comparative anatomy: The 95% genetic similarity claim attributed to Charles Darwin is inaccurate, as DNA was not discovered until almost a century…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…12mos12MO

There is no objective evidence to support the idea of creationism nor the mere existence of any deity or higher power; your personal beliefs are fundamentally based on nothing but faith and "what-if's", and is in no way legitimate or comparable to scientific theory.

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