Try the political quiz

220 Replies


What societal shifts do you imagine would occur if the national conversation shifted from debt reduction to creating public value?

 @9L5LCJG from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

 @9L5L9K3 from Nebraska answered…2mos2MO

 @9L4SDKK  from Nevada answered…2mos2MO

I believe a counterculture will arise if we switch to a public value creation society as many people will be wary about the sanctity of their own economies, which could collapse if played poorly, leading to events such as the hoarding of metals. I do also believe this will create a greater push for the government to provide these resources to the people, similar to the Public Works Programs of FDR. Finally, there'd also be a global shift as certain countries choose to take up the risk with the new system while others suspect a possible collapse of the economy due to the shift


If the stress of debt was eliminated from society, how do you think mental health would improve or worsen?

 @9J3NYYX from California answered…5mos5MO


Would you support a policy where taxes are increased as a means to cool down an overheating economy?

 @9HFXDWN from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

I don't support increasing the taxes so much because it is just ridiculous. I think the economy needs to find a better way.


Imagine receiving a guaranteed job offer from the government; how would that influence your career choices?

 @9HFVYZNRepublican from Texas answered…6mos6MO

If the job offer is something that I really wanted to pursue then I would definitely go for it but if it is against my career goals I will probably follow my dreams until I achieve my ultimate goal.


If your community suddenly had access to abundant government resources, what issue would you argue should be addressed first?

 @9L56QLH from Kansas answered…2mos2MO

 @9L56K42Independent from New York answered…2mos2MO


How might the relationship between employers and employees change if people worked for fulfillment over necessity?

 @9JBJLMC from California answered…4mos4MO

If people worked for fulfillment over necessity, there would be less time spent at work, meaning that less people would work over time.

 @9JBHZQ4 from California answered…4mos4MO


Imagine a scenario where high-quality education and healthcare were seen as investments rather than expenses; how would that influence your life choices?

 @9L8K748 from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

if it is high quality then high inflation rates should not occur unless there is full employment in the economy

 @9L8JXHS from Texas answered…2mos2MO

Education shouldn’t be an investment, I don’t think education should cost a lot of money!


How might the role and influence of banks change if the government could fund itself without borrowing?

 @9HFY65K from South Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I think it would probably have a little less corruption and secrecy from wealthy individuals.


Do you feel that taking care of the unemployed should be the government's responsibility?

 @9HFBTXSIndependent  from Ohio answered…6mos6MO


What kind of society would we have if pursuing passion projects became as normalized as traditional employment?

 @9LF7BKQ from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

Pursuing passion projects would result in a lack of disciplined work, raising prices but also helping creativity. I think it would be a negative change.

 @9LF5R2R from California answered…2mos2MO

Our society would be more comfortable within itself and there would be less anxiety and depression. This way of living can be seen in Europe.


Can you imagine a world where taxes are not for raising money but for keeping prices stable; how would that change society?

 @9HGFL2L from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO


How would it affect your future plans if you knew that a well-paying job wasn't necessary to secure a comfortable life?


It would make me pursue a career that I actually would enjoy and not one that I would pick just to live the lifestyle I want.

 @9KH8S53from Maine answered…3mos3MO

Humans inately desire work and creativity, and therefore the desire to work still exists


If prices in stores began to rise, would your personal spending habits change if you trusted the government to manage inflation?


If the government provides everything you need, do you think people would still be motivated to work hard and innovate?

 @9HFXSK7 from South Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I depends on the type of person. Some people would still be .motivated to work and some would not


Do you feel it's possible to achieve full employment through government intervention, or does that seem unrealistic?

 @9H9GKJ6 from Missouri commented…6mos6MO

It doesn't seem realistic, as there will be people who don't want to work, homeless, or etc. But goverment shouldn't force people to do stuff.


How do you think a country's culture might change if the government guaranteed every citizen a basic income?

 @9HPXP2Z from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

If the income guaranteed is low, and not everyone has the means to go above that, then you find a culture similar to France prerevolution, where the poor are so far behind the rich it leads to violence. If the guaranteed income is low and everyone has the means to go above that, you have a society of intelligent, and hard-working people with good quality of life. If guaranteed income is high, then people will be lazier, and the rich will find poor people in other nations to take money from.


In what ways do you think the guarantee of a basic income could influence cultural and artistic expression in society?

 @9L5C5GYConstitution from Louisiana answered…2mos2MO

I think that everything right now is raised too high for current pay rates for the average worker.


If your basic needs were met by the government, how would your goals and ambitions in life change?

 @9KH8WRQ from California answered…3mos3MO

My goals and ambitions wouldn't likely change. My ability and methods available to pursue them, would.


How do you feel about a government's ability to spend money without worrying about running out, just by printing more?

 @9H6THN3 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

It's reassuring in a way but at the same time it feels like a rip off towards the people who work hard for their own money


What kind of cause would you dedicate your life to if money was not a concern for survival?

 @9KH96L3  from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

if I could only dedicate my life to one cause it would be one about keeping our environment clean, but if It could be more I would try to dedicate it to most of not all.


Imagine a world where financial stress is nearly non-existent; how would this impact people's mental and physical health?

 @9KH8XXG  from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Eliminating financial stress would have a net positive impact on people’s physical and mental health. In particular, it would allow parents to spend more time with their children and gradually reduce the impact of generational trauma that disproportionately affects parts of the American population. It would also give more choices to women (who typically earn less), so they would not need male partners for material support. If men had to be better people to win a female partner, we’d all be better off.


How might volunteer work and community engagement be valued differently if money was not the primary means of exchange?


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