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How does learning about different historical perspectives enrich your understanding of current events?

 @9KTY6Z9 from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

I think that learning about different historical perspectives enriches your understanding of current events is affected

 @9KTXQ8B from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

It is always important to keep historical context when discussing anything going on. It's never safe or smart to decide everything based on the now.

 @9KTXMK2 from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

Ethnonationalism, a complex phenomenon, intertwines ethnicity, nationalism, and identity. Understanding it requires examining historical perspectives, which can significantly enrich our comprehension of current events.

 @9KTXSHC from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Learning about historical perspectives can give you insight into why some regions, countries, or religions have something against a particular topic because of what happened to their ancestors. It can also help you understand the reoccurring problems in our world and how they keep circling back to us.


How would you approach introducing an important aspect of your culture to someone entirely unfamiliar with it?

 @9KM24H9 from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

In the contemporary world, ethnonationalism continues to influence global politics. It has been a factor in various separatist movements, such as those in Catalonia in Spain and Kurdistan in the Middle East. It has also been associated with the rise of right-wing populist movements in Europe and America, which often emphasize the protection of a perceived native culture against perceived threats from immigration and globalization.

 @9KM3TYV from Nebraska answered…3mos3MO

If they asked, were spreading misinformation, came up in a conversation , or were in general not aware of what certain things mean or how they are pronounced.

 @9KLZ6ZB from California answered…3mos3MO

I would first at least try to do a basic introduction to my culture and explain from there onward.

 @9KM2JN7  from Arkansas answered…3mos3MO

Culturally I've never been taught much about my ethnicity, so I had to educate myself. However, I've taught plenty of my friends things about my culture, but only because they were open to learning. So if a person is wanting to learn about my culture, I'd be more than happy to teach them.


Have you felt a sense of personal growth from interacting with individuals of different cultures, and can you explain how?

 @9KS27SV from Kentucky answered…3mos3MO

I have grown closer to some of my cultures and I have grown as a person

 @9KRZZZB from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

yes, because I get to learn about different cultures and it gives me more respect for those that live different then me

 @9KRZYG9Republican from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO

Yes I have felt like I have grown on it but I fell like it wasn't a lot but I think that it has been helpful.

 @9KS2KS2 from Kentucky answered…3mos3MO

I have not had any personal growth. I was always around people of other cultures and ethnicities, so it doesn't really affect me.


When have you had to stand up for your cultural identity, and what did that teach you about yourself?

 @9KK7R5ZRepublican from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

 @9KK73TY from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

 @9KK6JZDPeace and Freedom from Alabama answered…3mos3MO


How can individuals contribute to an inclusive society while celebrating their unique ethnic identities?


I think by having all these inclusive months we learn more about others cultures. America is a very diverse country, but there are also a lot of close minded people. People should learn more about other cultures, and learn to be more open minded.


America is not closed minded, and assimilation and adoption of U.S. values should be the outcome and aim of immigrants.

 @weggsGreen  from Colorado agreed…3mos3MO

I think the biggest driver of bigotry is separation from other cultures, identities, and ethnic groups. The more openly people celebrate the cultures of their own and others, the more exposure people can have to these different walks of life.


 @9KTYW53 from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

 @9KTYTMM from Missouri answered…3mos3MO


How has living in a diverse community shaped your perspective on the world?

 @9HZKD7L from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZM8GC from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

There is not one perfect perspective, but I do not find it helpful in accomplishing goals, and I do not think the community is living up to what they claim is the definition of diversity well.

 @9HZKG5N from California answered…5mos5MO

Allowing me not to think as ethnicity as a defining aspect of my life and community.

 @9J526ZX from Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

Exposure to other ethnicities and cultures has only shown me that it IS a defining aspect of life. Backgrounds directly impact and shape the perspective of the individual, and ethnicity is an aspect of background. However, it has also shown me that it is not the be all end all of a person.

 @9J2C62W from California answered…5mos5MO


How have discussions about identity and heritage with friends changed your perspective?

 @9KTYQ45 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I believe that you should identify more of the country you were born in than your ancestors. I am an American first.

 @9KTYPNXDemocrat from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I think that communicating with other people of your ethnic group and celebrating and practicing your culture is extremely important, but I think that everyone needs to know that the groups they identify with aren't above any other group.

 @9KTYNVGPeace and Freedomanswered…3mos3MO

It made me realize that many people in the country have different heritages.


How has your understanding of your own cultural background impacted the way you interact with the environment around you?

 @9KT7MJTPeace and Freedom from California answered…3mos3MO

My understanding of my cultural background impacted the way I interact with the environment around me because it has taught me various ways that I can act in the outside world.

 @9KNVL9R from California answered…3mos3MO

I always remember where my parents came from and my culture is very important to me and learning more about my culture helps me teach others of my culture.

 @9KNRJDQ from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

It has taught me code switching and various ways to change the way I act around other people


Do you believe that learning about other cultures has changed the way you view your community or society?

 @9HLZKDD from Oklahoma answered…6mos6MO

Having spent time living overseas in different, I have had the opportunity to experience new cultures in a way most US citizens will never get the chance to. This has changed the way I view my community and society and has led to my views becoming more liberal in general. I believe that all members of our society should have the chance to live and experience the cultures of different countries.

 @9HLZJJG from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

That entirely depends on the person but most likely yes because persperpective ir very important.

 @9HLZKQQ from Missouri answered…6mos6MO


Have you ever felt more connected to people who share your cultural background, and if so, why did it matter to you?

 @9HPJS7C from California answered…6mos6MO

I feel that people who share a cultural background with you, you tend to relate to them more because of the same kind of mindset their family has and maybe your own because of your background and family history.

 @9HPHDN8 from California answered…6mos6MO

I did because I felt I belonged but I have also had strong connections with others that don’t share the same background as me.

 @9HPJPVSConstitution from California answered…6mos6MO

Yes, I did feel more connected because I could relate to them a lot more than others.


How do personal values and cultural norms shape our perceptions of others from different ethnic backgrounds?


Do you think your ethnic background should dictate the privileges you have in society?


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