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Do you think the human race will ever reach a point where war is obsolete?

 @9HFHLXK from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

I believe that as a race, we will never agree to stop fighting over something. We are a competitive race by nature and will compete and fight for what we want, we will never be able to settle on one answer.


No, because as humans we will always have disagreements, but the goal is to have the least amount of casualties.

 @9HFKX9D from South Carolina answered…6mos6MO

Unfortunately, the world has gotten to a point where violence is considered the answer to solving problems of disagreements or strife and this has been the case for centuries. I would like to think that in the future, the human race could find other alternatives for solving difficulties that do not involve violence, death, and war, but alas, I doubt we will ever reach that point.

 @9HCR4GVRepublican from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I think war will always have to be there, I do not think war will ever become obsolete. There are too many conflicts, disagreements, terroists, and more that lead to the need for war. Sometimes when a country attacks there is no choice but to do everything in one countrys power to defend itself.


Do you believe that your choice of video games, movies, or books can influence your views on conflict resolution?

 @9KJZ6DZRepublican  from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

yes, if you are interested in war movies or books you will be more strategic. in the sense that you will think about it harder. if you like love books or rom-coms you wont think about how to effectively stop a war.

 @9KK5D68Independent  from Minnesota disagreed…3mos3MO

Open-mindedness, critical thinking, and the ability to admit when you are wrong are what is important in conflict resolution. If either one of the parties doesn't have those things, it is very difficult to come to a resolution. Studies show those things are correlated to intelligence, but I don't think they are correlated as strongly to choice of entertainment.

 @9KJYTS4 from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

I believe that they can offer a differing perspective. Music is also an influence

 @9KJYKN7  from Idaho answered…3mos3MO

No, I rather enjoy playing generally violent games and watching violent movies as well, most of them are along the lines of warfare. But war and violence in the real world are cruel and unnecessary.

 @9KJYJXV from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

Slightly depending on the topics but they don't heavily influence my critical thinking skills.


When you hear news of a peace treaty being signed, do you feel hopeful or skeptical, and why?

 @9KJZQ4BRepublican from Florida answered…3mos3MO

when i hear news of a peace treaty being singed i feel calmer about the whole situation because i know that there is other nations uniting with us and we arent completly alone. i do get scared hearing the word war because i know it would be a really big war if it were to happen now.

 @9KJYMX5 from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

 @9KJYSLJ from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Skeptical because I feel as if one of the states wouldn't be trustworthy and be building their military to attack.

 @9KJZDL3Republican from Maryland answered…3mos3MO

I feel hopeful and skeptical at the same time because I want world peace, but I also value the safety of our nation.


Would you support a friend or family member who decided to participate in a peaceful protest against war, and why?

 @9KJYPQ4 from Washington answered…3mos3MO

Yes, because I myself do not support war. It is an evil act. We need peace on Earth.

 @9KLS5FK  from Texas agreed…3mos3MO

War is NOT NEEDED. As humanity, we are barely recovering from covid19. We are still grieving loss of time, lack of social communication, isolation, and loneliness. War is NOT NEEDED as it will only extinguish the humans. It would only disillusion humans to think life is full of suffering in disease and war. What kind of message is this to our future generation? It would only exemplify apathy in life and the lack of dream pursuit.
War is also extremely evil. THE MOST AFFECTED ARE CHILDREN.

 @9KJZ64DCA Common Sense from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

 @9KJYVH3 from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Depends if we really need to get involved or not but overall they can do what they want.


What role do you think education plays in either perpetuating or preventing wars?

 @9HVKVQTRepublican from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

Educate people on the effects of war. If we don't learn about history, we are bound to repeat it.

 @9HVKNR7 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Kids should be educated on how governments work and countries and relations

 @9HVL4XLRepublican from Washington answered…5mos5MO

I think that education helps with common sense, decision making and lots of other things so it plays a big role in preventing wars because with school, people become smarter.

 @9HY4LJM from Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

Education is about memorization more than anything, and there's no evidence that being "smarter" helps with preventing wars, it's more of a generational issue.

 @9HXZM5N from California disagreed…5mos5MO

wars are created by governments, their is nothing people can really do when the government decides to go to war. The people of a country just become pawns for whatever political agenda they want to achieve.

 @9HVL289  from New York answered…5mos5MO

A well-rounded education that promotes critical thinking, empathy, and global awareness can contribute to preventing wars by fostering a culture of diplomacy and cooperation.


How often do we see examples of effective communication and peace-building in our daily lives, and can we replicate them on a larger scale?

 @9JBLFB9Peace and Freedom from Texas answered…4mos4MO

we do not see a lot of peace in life no more. life has got more bad for people.

 @9JBLDZW from Minnesota answered…4mos4MO

We don't see peace-building on a regular day-to-day basis, but they do occur, and yes, I do think we can replicate them on a larger scale, and it would make a good impact

 @9JBL2HD from Washington answered…4mos4MO

Sadly those pace building things do not work with large systems, most importantly when hatred for nations has been building for years.


When faced with a bully, how could you disarm the situation without using violence?

 @9JBJ22CIndependent from New Hampshire answered…4mos4MO

State that the bully's statements do not affect me or cause me harm and report the bully to the appropriate higher authority.

 @9JBHW2H from Texas answered…4mos4MO

 @9JBHLGQ from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO


Do you think that personal experiences with aggression or kindness have a significant impact on one's stance toward war?

 @9JHBTD6 from Idaho answered…4mos4MO

yes because the way you act towards people can affect the way they act towards you

 @9JH9JCL from Wyoming answered…4mos4MO

 @9JH9G7J from Idaho answered…4mos4MO

Yes, everyone has a different perspective on the world and should be able to share their experiences in this beautiful, chaotic lifetime.


How would you feel if you discovered that an aspect of your daily life directly supported a conflict somewhere in the world?

 @9KNTQZVDemocrat from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I would change my ways to minimize my effect on the conflict.

 @9KPDJ6C from Michigan agreed…3mos3MO

If there’s something I’m doing in my daily life that I can change to make the world a better place, I’m going to work towards changing that thing.

 @9KNTJR4 answered…3mos3MO

Understand their opinion on the matter and don't argue over which one of you that thinks their opinion is the only correct one.

 @9KPH6QW from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

I believe that if something in my daily life has a differing opinion then I would explain my side, explain my reasoning, and, tell them why I disagree

 @9KNTHD3 from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

I would be insanely upset, I do not subscribe to this and it was not my choice to support it.


How do you feel when you see images or news about war and conflict, and why do you think that is?

 @9HVK83V from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

I think that war is just a natural thing that will happen to people and I think it is terrible.

 @9HXHPV2 from California disagreed…5mos5MO

War is a horrible thing that adults and children have to go through whether it is seeing a parent go into war or going in yourself. War is preventable.

 @9HVRBYG from New Jersey answered…5mos5MO

When I see photos of that stuff, I feel sad about the people who are affected, but in the end, I know that I can't do anything to help.


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