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71 Replies

 @TheRacingWolf  from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Top Disagreement

The suicide rates of children who receive gender-affirming care are astronomically lower than those who don't. Additionally, the divorce rate and the amount of people who work in a field unrelated to their college major are much higher than the rate of people who regret transgender surgery. While the former two are encouraged, the latter is looked down upon.

 @98HV8R7  from Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

The concept of gender-affirming care is too recent to record accurate data regarding its effects. Teenagers who receive gender-affirming care will not experience the full scope of the decision until they reach an age of maturity, apply for jobs, date, begin careers. Only then will the concept of "regret," or not, be accurately recorded. Children who are unable to consent to sexual relations, vote, pay taxes, or be approved for a loan should not be subject to gender-affirming care, particularly if the procedure creates permanent physical changes.

 @9HZ8L7C  from Colorado commented…5mos5MO

The most in-detail study on this says otherwise. The conclusion says:

"Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group."

The suicide rates from that same study are also quite shocking. People who have undergone gender-reassignment…  Read more

 @9FPLGCR from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this very much. As a transgender citizen, gender-affirming care has ended my depression, which was a result of biochemical issues due to my brain being wired to receive testosterone. I am functionally a male, and without gender-affirming care I would likely have killed myself by now.


Out of curiosity, and please don't attack me, would therapy possibly have created a similar outcome?

 @9JTVXMF from New York commented…4mos4MO

The vast majority of Trans folks that have pursued gender-affirming care have undergone years of therapy to get there. Your medical team (including your therapist) has to clear you for gender-affirming care. Some folks can combat their gender dysphoria and related depression with a combination of affirming therapy and self-expression, but this is uncommon.

Just try to keep in mind that everybody's different, A way is not THE way, and that gender-affirming care saves lives.

 @9G7ZH5B from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

Transgenderism is wrong, and with an undeveloped mind you must be borderline retarded to suggest that anyone should give a child permission to get an irreversible procedure with lifelong negative effects

 @9GB5SGP  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

If a child is expressing that they are not comfortable in their own body, you should be paying attention to that. Not how you may feel about what they are saying. Put your child's needs before your beliefs. They may be young or old, but they know how they feel. It is THEIR bodies. You shouldn't be using "restarted" as a reference to this topic, or anything really. That's just as wrong as how you feel about this topic.

 @9G8GB96 from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Literally nobody is suggesting surgery on children. Straw man arguments do nothing productive when it comes to discussing gender affirmation for children.

  @bmelan1 from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

How mature of you to use mental disability to describe someone.

Seriously, no one is allowing children to just get random surgeries on a whim. People have to go through years of psychological therapy before medical professionals even think about allowing them on blockers, much less hormone replacement or surgical procedures. If a child is under 18, they have to have parental/guardian permission to even go through with these medical steps. If parental/guardian permission is given before 18, surgeries and hormone replacement are not even allowed until later in this person's transition unles…  Read more

 @9G8K4KD from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The “procedures” in question are very reversible. There are very very few people advocating for surgery for minors under 16 years of age. Trans affirming healthcare involves hormone blockers, which simply delay the process of puberty, which is an irreversible process.

 @9FBGL67 from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Children have all types of wild thoughts and ideas. Adults have the responsibility to guide them through those

 @9HGW5LH from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

The WPATH suggested requirements to recieve trans related care are high enough, as per the Standards of Care.

The WPATH suggested requirements needed for minors to recieve trans related care are high enough to eliminate those that are just too imaginitive.

The following recommendations are made regarding the requirements for gender-affirming medical and surgical treatment (All of them must be met): 6.12- We recommend health care professionals assessing transgender and gender diverse adolescents only recommend gender-affirming medical or surgical treatments requested by the patient when: 6.12.a- the adolescent meets the diagnostic criteria of gender incongruence as per the ICd-11 in situations where…  Read more

 @85HZ8T4Socialist from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Medical care is a private and personal decision making process between the medical provider and the individual. Government directive and interference is unnecessary and unconstitutional. This transcends far beyond the concept of gender transition, which still remains a private and personal decision making process that is (and should be) protected under the constitution.

 @9FRM5KV from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

My best counter-argument to this is that if a child is old enough (around 16-18) they are capable of understanding and learning about everything that goes into the process we should be supportive of them and allow them to embrace who they really are. We shouldn't have control of their gender identity. Only they should have control over that.

 @9FQC9SY from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

HRT and even non-medical forms of Gender Transition have not been scientifically proven to be irreversible, and if the child, parents AND a doctor all agree it's the best decision then it's the right choice. Not to mention while the child may still regret it the rate of regret is extremely low, and many other children have had far higher regret rates from other medical procedures. As well as that many life changing decisions that negatively impact children are already made for them by their parents, whereas this is a choice the child can make themselves that can positively impact their life.

 @9GJSXT4Independent  from California agreed…7mos7MO

Data shows a mind is not fully developed to make decisions like this. You wouldn't let your child pick what they eat for dinner, we certainly cannot allow children to make these decisions.


children should be allowed to make their own decisions when exploring their identity, because only they know themselves best. people(parents) have no opinion in deciding someone else's identity, and because these choices cannot actually harm anyone else, they should be allowed gender-affirming care if it brings them peace.

 @9GJSXT4Independent from California commented…7mos7MO

You can call them whatever they want, dress how they want, but under no means should they be allowed to do gender altering surgery before their mind has fully developed. If a child feels like they’re a race car driver, should we let them drive cars? If a child feels they’re Superman, should we let them go fight bad guys?

 @9GR635MGreen from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

Children are often easily influenced by their peers, the media, and others around them. Being so susceptible to influence puts them at risk of making decisions for themselves that aren't for themselves.

 @9FT294Mfrom Maine agreed…8mos8MO

If a person can't get a tattoo until 18 or drink alcohol at 21. Why at 16 can they surgically remove their own penis?

 @9GDMFBF from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

In the case of Luna Younger, a young male-to-female transgender girl, her split custody parents have been undergoing a legal battle over her transition. At the age of 2, Luna began showing certain feminine proclivities, (which is not uncommon in male toddlers, especially consider Luna has a biologically female twin) and her mother began taking her to gender therapy to determine if Luna needed to transition. While living with her mother, Luna presents as female and undergoes various gender affirming therapies and treatments. However, while with her father, Luna presents and is happy to live as a boy and be called by her birth name. Her father says that she only sees herself as a girl while living with her mother, and that this is because her mother and Lunas therapists are "railroading" her into her transgender identity.

 @9H2HJG5 from Indiana agreed…7mos7MO

It is common sense, if a child can’t make any other major life decision why should they be able to make a decision of this magnitude. They are not mentally ready for it. Transitioning is a grueling mental and physical process, it’s not just the flip of some switch

 @9M8SJMN from Nebraska agreed…4wks4W

Kids aren't allowed to get tattoos because they cannot contemplate permanency. Do not allow them to cut off their genitals or mess with hormones because the effects are irreversible. They don't know that. You do. Protect your kids from their own bad decisions.

 @9M6DDLF from Michigan disagreed…4wks4W

While it does make sense that those under 16 are more likely to regret the decision and wish to revert back to their original gender assigned at birth, those that are 16 or older are more likely to make a permanent decision on the topic.

 @9LZ483LRepublican from Tennessee agreed…1mo1MO

kids just wanna be stupid and go through a phase where they wanna be a different gender cause deep down they will know they will never be a different gender

 @9HT9MZ3  from New Hampshire agreed…5mos5MO

A child is meant to feel and think different things, that's how they grow and learn, but they shouldn't be allowed to transition until they are legally an adult. Children may say they want or desire something, but they don't have the knowledge to understand the impact of their choices yet.

 @9HF32Y8Independent from Maryland disagreed…6mos6MO

just let them because once they are 18 they will do it anyway so if you letthem think it throu till 16 maby 17 then you will see

 @9GXY5MS from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Transition in childhood, and especially before puberty, is social: using a name and pronouns with which the child is comfortable, and allowing the child to dress in a way which is comfortable. Before puberty, there is no irreversible decision.
In the case of "puberty blocker" hormone treatments, these are also reversible. What is not reversible is puberty itself.
Additionally, transgender children and their guardians are heavily counseled on any potential medical treatments and decisions.

 @9GXBXKX from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

With the reserch that has been done on this topic, it shows that the decisions give a huge boost in mental health. The % of trans kids who have mental issues is very high.

 @9GWXK3Q from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

Not if they don't understand the true consequences and problems that come with it they should not be allowed.

 @9GW587M from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

 @9GRLJ3S from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Just because they are supposedly children they still know what is best for them it is their own body and they should be able to express how they feel on the inside on the outside of their body.

 @9GJJ56S from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

If children are literally killing themselves due to gender dysphoria and it has shown that this surgery can help reduce the death rate in trans kind than i believe that the kid should be allowed to do it. BUT only on three conditions, One: they must be showing signs/diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Two: If the child actually wants the surgery and isn't being manipulated by anyone to do this. Lastly three: They must be at an age or mental state where they are aware of what they want and can make rational decisions on their own like in the late teens.

 @9LQ3WXX from Indiana disagreed…1mo1MO

I do think that children shouldn't be allowed to make irreversible life decisions. But, certain treatments can be reversed.

 @9FLY9S3 from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

Any rational sane person understands that the means of perspective the affect the understanding of autonomy therefore changed the way autonomy works in children.

 @9LYNLKY from Kansas disagreed…1mo1MO

While I agree that children should have to wait to go through large transitional surgeries until they can legally make that decision, or are of an age where they can fully understand and accept the repercussions of said surgery if they choose to receive it, Hormone replacement therapy and puberty blockers aren't entirely permanent. So.. it *can* actually be reversed for the most part.

 @9HK4T7X  from Massachusetts agreed…3mos3MO

A lot of data has shown that people after receiving these surgeries are just as suicidal as before they received any medical transition. The problem with the entire Trans argument, is that a man can't become a women. A man is an adult human male and a women is an adult human female. The left often uses the words female and women interchangeably even though they claim sex and gender are different. The first line of the gender definition is, "The male or female sex" debunking this claim. A lot of people who are transgender have an underlying mental illness that has nothing to do with them being trans at all, there is a mental health epidemic in this country, and people are losing their purpose. This is why we see movements and ideas like this one.

 @9HS9YZG  from MP agreed…5mos5MO

the child still lacks thinking skills. If parents are very liberal, they may too easily allow surgery for a child with poor thinking skills. Even, I am currently in my 20s and my thoughts are changing rapidly. Until recently, I was a right-winger, but I changed my leanings to the left.

 @9GNMJRFfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

children have young and impressionable minds cases have shown that most children grow out of gender dysphoria after 18 and giving children below 18 this kind of surgery and medication might impact then heavily in the future

 @9LZ2DWTTranshumanist  from Arizona disagreed…1mo1MO

If a child knows within their own mind that they are labeled the wrong gender, they need to first have access to psychologists who are specifically trained in gender affirming care, then when they start to reach puberty, provide puberty blockers while continuing the psychology therapist sessions, and then when they are 16, they should know whether or not they should be able to make further decisions that may include surgery.

 @9H4L8X5from Guam disagreed…7mos7MO

Getting born itself is an irreversible decision.
In our lives we will have to make irreversible decisions. Sometimes, very hard decisions.
But to rob someone of that decision and have lawmakers or anyone who isn’t close to that person make the decision(which is also irreversible and causes permanent changes to the person’s body and life) isn’t the correct choice. At the end the safest way to go is to let the individual, their families and friends, and well trained medical professionals decide that together, if the decision would be correct for them(not just the doctors but…  Read more

  @random17345  from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

"Exploring different modes and expressions of gender is a normal part of development during childhood. Young kids often playact favorite characters of a different gender, or enjoy playing dress-up. Most eventually assume the identity of their assigned gender. For some children, gender remains fluid." taken from article "Transgender Kids and Gender Dysphoria" on

"The latest research indicates that a part of the adolescent brain is not fully mature until the early 20s. Researchers call this a “mismatch” in maturation of the brain networks, a “gap” in development, or immature brain circuitry." taken from article "The Developing Brain" on

 @9GXY97XIndependent from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

A child who drinks alcohol may develop early addiction and ruin their lives and gain immense regret.

 @9GHH4M2 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Multiple transgenders are saying they regret switching genders. They need to stay what god made them.

 @9FSBKWM from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

They should be, but all students should be heavily educated on gender transition, and other temporary services should be offered

 @9G2YG9G from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

im not smart on this subject nor have i researched it but from common sense, they should wait til 18

 @9FS24ZY from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Their brains are still developing and they’re being told what they are rather than what they really are, whatever they were born as.


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