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520 Replies

 @9HKT69S  from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Top Disagreement

This would lead to an increase in crime and likely put those unarmed community-based responders in danger whether or not they are responding to non-violent calls. Replacing police with these community responders would also be grossly inefficient and allow many more criminals to get away with crimes that real, trained police officers would likely be able to handle. When discussing the "defund the police" idea, you have to keep in mind that there are corrupt individuals in all professions. Just because specific police officers involved in various acts of corruption happen to be racist…  Read more

 Removed by authordisagreed…8mos8MO

A non-violent situation could turn into a violent situation at any point, and if a responder is unarmed, they have little means of defending themselves.

 @9FRPBVLRepublican from Idaho agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement because if police have less funds then it will only allow for more dangerous people to get away with their crimes.

 @9FRP93W from Michigan agreed…8mos8MO

I think it would be stupid to defund the police. If we have too many dumb police, then made a test that proves you can bear the badge and hold the gun with the upmost respect. If I were to try and commit heinous acts, how could a cop stop me from shooting people. What are they going to do? Bring a sword and shield?! It is ignorant and stupid to think people want the police gone.

 @9FRPNNG from Nevada agreed…8mos8MO

I absolutely agree with this comment. All police officers should have access to a patrol rifle and of course their service pistol. In a country where people have relatively easy access to rifles, I believe that an officer should have the upper hand in any firefight. As the old saying goes; "If you come to a fight equally matched, you are underprepared."

 @9FRNWD6Republican from California agreed…8mos8MO

The police should not be defunded. They are the core protecting factor of our nation and are a necessary part of keeping sanity in America.

 @9G7K8MS  from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

The police need to be funded MORE, but I am not opposed to community responders bc that will free up the police to handle real problems

 @9GDQ539  from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

If you think it would be cool to live in basically a purge city then go for thinking that's a good option. This is why our nation is going downhill.

 @9GDR26Z  from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

We Shouldn't defund the police. The police need training on dealing with high-crisis situations involving the opposite race. And the police Department should not uphold their policemen when they have done something wrong.

 @WondrousOppositionGreenfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

Training is key to improving police-community relations. In Camden, New Jersey, the police department was disbanded and restructured with an emphasis on community policing and de-escalation training. As a result, violent crime reduced significantly.

 @9GDRDMV from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

I disagree. Without the police, we would basically be defenseless. Sure, we have guns to defend ourselves but if they are going to try and defund our police, then what will stop them from taking away our right to own guns? And for all of the people trying to defund the police, think about that as someone breaks into your house or tries to hurt you and your family and think about who your going to call to protect your family because with the way our country is going, our police won't be there to do that.

 @9GSXRFYRepublican from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

No, don’t do that because then the crime relates will raise even higher then they already are because police are the ones keeping us safe from the criminal that are out there.

 @9GSVV95 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

The police force is necessary because it guarantees an attempt at protection, with physical force being used only when threatened (assuming unbiased/uncorrupted officers).

 @9GSSGG3 from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

Crime rates are increasing, younger criminals. Increase in drug use plays a part. We need to increase our spending and get more police presence. Society needs law & order.

 @9GXBJFTRepublican from Delaware disagreed…7mos7MO

without the police, people can steal,kill,rape,deface and do anything else that is against the law while facing little defiance

 @9GRLVZD from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

You never know what could happen and keeping our police armed is the best way to combat that. You never know if they are walking into a trap.

 @9GX6CGT from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

How could the police protect everyone with no weapons. There is no threat and you are putting them at risk.

 @9GGW249 from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

Don't, armed policemen and women are, while at times unfair with choices and actions, those fair and reasonable should remain armed in response to the number of armed citizens in the states.

 @9FV7MDW from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Making cops go into dangerous situations unarmed will probably make their lives more in danger, and will endanger the lives of others by not stopping a criminal faster

 @9GLNW82 from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

Without a trusted police force this nation could go to ruin because people won't have the incentive to follow the law.

 @9GZJZSM from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

Abolishing police departments within communities will severely affect crime rates, and civilian safety. Police are trained professionals for dangerous situations. While this question only pertains to non-violent calls, it offers no alternative for calls that are violent. The army or special forces as a response to these calls are unnessescary, dramatic, and not their job. Furthermore, this argument doesn't account for non-violent calls that can escalate to a violent situation. If an unarmed community responder is placed on a job that escalates to a violent situation, this responder has…  Read more

 @9GF265ZRepublican from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

Our police keep us safe 24/7 around the clock, and if you take that away and put in community based responders, you run the risk of someone not being available to help.

 @9FTPG3WRepublican from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

What happens when a violent call happens and there is no cops with guns or that are even paid. People won't feel scared to commit crimes if there's no lethal force to go against them.

 @9GXRL6S from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

Do you really think that citizens who have no experience should be in charge of things the police usually handle

 @9GVTQLCRepublican from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

There will be no protection and i think a lot of people would feel very unsafe with no armed police and i think it would increase the crime rate

 @9GPSX6H from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

Look at how the crime rates/murder rates have gone up in these areas where the police were defunded. It was a stupid idea and it led to stupid prizes.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

That's because we don't yet have the additional systems and infrastructures necessary to actually address the issues that policing doesn't solve to begin with. We should abolish modern policing AND implement the structural changes needed for society to improve, but we can't reasonably do just the first one without the other.

 @9GQWRS3 from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Then what happens when a gunman walks into a school. What happens when someone with a weapon robs your home at night. Who's gonna save you then?

 @9GTMTFG from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

I don't agree with that because what if the suspect in question turned violent? Police should hold some sort of weapon on them just in case the suspect does something to the safety of themselves, others, or the police.

 @9GKL9ST from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Some non-violent calls can quickly turn into life threatening situations, this has been displayed several times, as if a unarmed officer is sent into a situation, that is seemingly safe, it rapidly can turn into a deadly situation in which they get ambushed or a gun drawn on them, and they are left defenseless.

 @9GSLGQG from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

police should not be defunded they are already under funded but I do think more training for police officers to handle mental health patience. I my opinion sending unarmed is going to put there lives in danger.

 @9GRYWQW from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

We have already seen what happened with a major defunding of the police with capitol hill in Oregon, and it overall is just a bad idea

 @9H37T27 from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Police are the people that protect you from murders and all other kinds of dangerous things and they can’t do their job if you defund them

 @9GRGJ5F from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

A call that is supposudely non-violent can easily go south. The purpose of the police is to enforce the order of the law onto America's citizens, and maintain justice. Often, this can require force, even at the smallest levels. Better to be safe than sorry and have a protector in a situation, versus another liability.

 @9GPDLWH from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Police are needed to keep communities safe, without police, crimes will become more common. Just look at major cities that have decreased police spending. They are seeing higher crime rates.

 @9H2DH8R from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Without police your in constant danger. What happens to you if someone breaks into your house and holds your mom at gun point and there is no police to help you.

 @9G2T6PB from Vermont disagreed…8mos8MO

Police officers keep order, just like regular people there are some bad apples in the bunch, but police are key in protecting our country, without them the streets would be ramped and there would be little control.

 @9GLVBWCRepublican from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

No, keep the police funding because they are here to keep us safe and they have been doing their job

 @9G9VLXMRepublican from Arkansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Some people may believe this is a good idea since it will “give the people more power” but in reality it will give people who have not been trained to assess situations they are not prepared for while being armed and unstable. This will lead to more deaths. Defunding the police is a crazy idea because they will keep you safe and punishing good people for the bad decisions of a few would mean that many businesses and government led things would have to be shut down as well.

 @9G2HC2B from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Absolutely not, the police are essential to any neighborhood and with Community based responders they could be essentially outlaws.

 @9G2J278 from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. Even if there was no police eventually people would take charge and just end up forming a new force. If anything we should have them take mental evaluations every few months and retrain if they don't already.

 @9GY32KP from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

The Police are more trained and regulated to deal with all types of incidents, so replacing them with community members is a horrible idea. Police officers are more dedicated and prepared for those situations, and have had more experience to evaluate possible outcomes more effectively. In my opinion, the Police should be better funded and have more training that focuses on the psychology of victims and non-violent offenders.

 @9FNRMF9 from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

This is particularly useless. Imagine the situation where a not a good person with a gun shows up and starts shooting. If you particularly have peaceful calls, do you realistically believe that this is attainable? No it isn't. And even if it was non-violent calls, imagine it's a surprise attack. There's a saying better to be safe than sorry. You want to take that risk then go for it.


This would cause more crime to happen because if someone knows that there is no police and only “peaceful” unarmed people they will more likely commit crime.

 @9G8V7W7 from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

NO. POLICE SHOULD ALWAYS BE ARMED. They won't resort to drawing their firearms unless they feel their lives threatened. As crazy as people are, that non-violent call could be an ambush or become violent

 @9G2FH7S from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

The police should protect us at all costs. People who are unqualified should stay out of it as the police are specifically trained to handle these situations.

 @9FTW8XZ from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

This entire mindset is twisted into believing situations cannot and will not escalate to violence. Police officers are sadly required to respond as medics, social workers, parents, dog handlers, you name it, they do it. Police should never be replaced, instead trained on how to respond to calls better. Training and funding should be increased.

 @9G85Q6K from California disagreed…8mos8MO

It is stupid, why should we give up our safety against criminals who are willing and able to kill us because of people who do not like the police. Those views are radical and the people need to understand that if this were to happen the death of victims during a crime will skyrocket because there will be no police to investigate, locate, and arrest the criminal. If your house was being broken into and the armed assailant had a gun to you, how would you feel knowing that no cops would ever be coming to help. What if the assailant shot you in the stomach area hitting a rib and puncturing a lung or causing it to collapse? there would be no one to help because the police arrive first to a scene such as this one explained so that other first responders can go in. Banning guns wouldn't work either because criminals already get them illegaly.

 @9G82VYY from Montana disagreed…8mos8MO

Criminals will always find a way to obtain illegal weapons and firearms. If we limit the tools used by the police and other peace officers than we will only be hindering them.


If we have unarmed Responders and an attacker that is armed decides to cause violence they are ultimately in control until they run out of ammo or stops whenever they decide, because we do not have the force to match what they have.


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