Try the political quiz

309 Replies


Can a country be safe and respected without a strong military force?

 @9H942Z8 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I believe a country should have sense of defense and leisure at the same time

 @9H98L8N from Delaware answered…6mos6MO

I do not think a country can be safe AND respected without a strong military force. A country without a strong military can be thought of as a city or town with no policemen or sheriffs, it wouldn't be safe. I´m also not sure that other countries would think of us as a strong country as a whole without a strong military force behind us.

 @9H96NVV from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

Yes, provided it does not need a strong military force and spends the money that would otherwise be used for military spending on progressive and positive projects.

 @9H95XMX from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

No because there are serious threats that sometimes need strong military force to deal with.


What impact do you think a global treaty on complete disarmament would have on future generations?

 @9LFK3KQ from West Virginia answered…2mos2MO

I think it would bring peace to the world. With no weapons to fight everyone is forced to talk it our like a rational person.

 @9LJY87DLibertarian from Ohio disagreed…2mos2MO

it would weaken those countries that actually would want peace, leaving them with no weapons. There is always going to be wicked people so we just can't trust that every country is going to want peace and abide by those rules. We will need weapons to defend ourselves or go to war if necessary.

 @9LFLRP9 from Pennsylvania agreed…2mos2MO

The only weapons had if firearms and general weapons are out of the question are your own body and those you make yourself. We would have to either talk like rational people, or fight it out gladiator style, 1-on-1 fights. Either way a more enjoyable world with less wars, and just entertainment style fighting duals when we must resort to violence.

 @9LGB9FKIndependent from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

Although it may bring peace among many, if one went against the treaty and attacked those without weaponry to defend themselves, it may cause greater conflict. Future generations may be in a world of peace that could be suddenly disrupted by those whom don't follow the treaty.

 @9LGN88GWomen’s Equality from Arizona agreed…2mos2MO

absolutely, if a treaty is followed in which arms are prohibited it would be unrealistic to believe it to be successful as it would be very easily and catastrophically violated.

 @9LFMFQM from West Virginia answered…2mos2MO

It will impact future generations in every way possible, the way they live, the way they think, the control that they are under.

 @9LFL46X from Oklahoma answered…2mos2MO

Criminals, and other people who seek to harm will still continue to have them illiegally, so it will only hurt the unarmed


How could practices like meditation and mindfulness contribute to world peace?

 @9J5VN7K from Florida answered…5mos5MO

Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit your emotional well-being and your overall health

 @9J6C9S9 from California agreed…5mos5MO

I would say that this can benefit your well being because as much as physical health matter our mental and emotional well being is vitally important


I do not really think that these practices will help a noticeable amount, however I think that the promotion of healthy destressing and emotional awareness techniques is good.

 @9J5W9XLWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

It probably could help world peace as everyone starts to calm down but I still don't feel there will always be peace.

 @9J5VNJG from Florida answered…5mos5MO


What does it take to forgive someone, and how is forgiveness related to peace?

 @9JNY6NC from Tennessee answered…4mos4MO

They need to apologize and take steps to fix their behavior. Forgiveness can lead to peace.

 @9JP5PTVLibertarian from Ohio agreed…4mos4MO

If someone was abusive in the past, they might not be able to be forgiven by any victims, but they can still move on and at least own up to what they had done, taking steps to prevent the situation from repeating or becoming another cycle.

 @9JP27VJ answered…4mos4MO

Forgiveness is only given to those who deserve it, or pays the time to claim forgiveness.


I believe the only way to show forgiveness is through actions and showing how a person has changed.


If we could spread one message worldwide to promote peace, what should that message be?

 @9KYQHJY from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

Achieving world peace would begin an age a prosperity and utopia of which humanity has never seen.

 @9KYQD49 from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9KYQCFSSocialist from New York answered…3mos3MO

stop shooting each other or we're gonna shoot you and our guns are bigger. we are no longer picking sides and if an arrangement cant be made nations that have been warring for decades will be occupied by the United States


Do you believe that personal peace is connected to global peace, and if so, how?

 @9KM8257 from California answered…3mos3MO

I feel as if once people have personal peace then they're more willing to move on to global peace

 @9KM7KZK from California answered…3mos3MO

The peace is come from yourself And your neighbors. And the political persons get those persons they did't do what the political persons want.

 @9KM72K4 from Illinois answered…3mos3MO


What's your vision for a peaceful society and what do you think is the biggest obstacle to achieving it?

 @9JNJVF2  from Florida answered…4mos4MO

More government assistance: as in, funding for public education and public transportation, as well as socialized medicine.

 @9JNJCWV from Rhode Island answered…4mos4MO

I don't think there is a thing as "peaceful society" because there is always someone who will want something more, and that will cause destruction to others.

 @9JNJBWPIndependent from Rhode Island answered…4mos4MO

Realistically I don't think there is such a thing as a peaceful society human have minds of our own and it is what you do to help you community be better but there will never be a peaceful society.


What does 'peace' mean to you, and how do you try to achieve it in everyday life?

 @9J2J5L8 from California answered…5mos5MO

Respect and equality with no hatred but rather friendly or appropriate conversations.

 @9HTRSMX from Ohio commented…5mos5MO


In a world often focused on competition, how can we promote cooperation instead?

 @9J2K7DJ from Texas answered…5mos5MO

I don't believe would ever be able to fully get rid of competition between people, but creating and promoting situations that would elimate the need for it could be more beneficial.

 @9J2JMST from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

We can promote cooperation by encouraging civil discourse with the intent to listen, understand, negotiate, and compromise rather than to "win."


If you were in charge, how would you use diplomacy to address a current global conflict?

 @9HLCPH5Progressive from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

Set up meetings and conferences to have actual conversations instead of resulting to violence and war. let people talk it out and come up with a solution

 @9HLC9GV from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

I would use diplomacy to help with the russia ukraine war with the use of the power the U.S holds in order to be a facilitator to the peace talks between the two.

 @9HLFKTPDemocrat answered…6mos6MO

I am more of a Pokemon fan, so I would just make all the world leaders come together, try to battle a little, realize how terrible it is to play Pokemon, and just decide that hell will be like that and deal with the problem so that they do not end up there, just like my grandma when she told me I could not eat another cookie.


If two countries are at odds, is it always better to discuss than to fight, even if one is clearly in the wrong?


It's always better to discuss than to start a war especially if there is a party that's clearly in the wrong because even though the right side of the argument or discussion is right and make good points, they also might not have the recourses to go into a fight.

 @9HDP2G2 from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

some times yes, you can talk things out but often when a country is in the wrong they seek to illiminatte the opposing nation and its people making fighting the only option.

 @9HDQ3PSDemocrat from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Esta muy bien siempre discutirlo antes de llegarlo a mayor, no solo son los militares que son afectados por este.


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