Try the political quiz

68 Replies

 @7FDN267  from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

As with everything in physics, humans tend toward the lowest energy state. With this in mind, lazy people who do not have to work will choose not to.

 @9GT472M from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Not everyone that is unemployed is 'lazy'. Many unemployed people may have physical or mental disabilities that keep them from being able to work. A Universal Basic Income will help people who are in bad situations survive. If a person is just 'lazy' a Universal Basic Income will only help them a little, they will most likely get a job anyway to help support themselves further.

 @9GS2H7Zfrom Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

EVERY SINGLE STUDY shows that work attendance does not decrease, people are less depressed and less anxious and they are happier and less stress because they don't have to worry about being able to pay for rent or putting food on the table.

 @9FSM4GJ from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

Having a Universal Basic Income will not encourage people not the work, but will rather provide them with a safety net. Universal Basic Income will not cover the whole cost of living, as the economy and cost of living is on an increase, so either way you could not live off a Universal Basic Income, but rather give everyone a place to start.

 @9FPZVRBfrom Guam disagreed…8mos8MO

It will help people to survive but it won't encourage people not to work if amount of paid money will be low enough.

 @9GMMLSJWorking Family from Arkansas disagreed…7mos7MO

On the contrary, a safety net allows people to spend money on goods and services that they otherwise couldn’t afford without UBI.

  @BullMooseQuakerAmerican Solidarity  from Kentucky agreed…7mos7MO

From a leftist point of view, UBI will discourage people from working and lead corporations to invest more in automated labor due to the potential loss of labor.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

There is no evidence that supports this idea that UBI makes people stop working. In fact, multiple studies have shown that very few people actually chose to stop working under a UBI, with the overwhelming majority of those people being either students who quit their jobs to focus on schooling and/or mothers who quit their jobs to focus on childcare. Even better, UBI allowed people the opportunity to leave their low-wage jobs in favor of higher-paying jobs/positions, since they were not as desperate relying on minimal wages to survive. The only real Leftist position against a UBI is that it doesn't go far enough, and is only a band-aid solution to the inherent problems of capitalism.

 @9FT79ZV from California agreed…8mos8MO

In the Soviet Union they had a UBI, their was no rich but their leaders. They drained the russia's tresurary and people stopped wanting to work."Why work when I get paid $1,000 every month?".

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

Yet their unemployment rate was estimated to be around 1-2%, which is/was significantly better than ours, so obviously that wasn't what hurt them much at all...

 @9FTQXC4 from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that UBI will get rid of the stigma attached with current programs such as Social Security. I believe that UBI will give everyone an equal seat at the table.

 @9FVJF7B from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

There is no evidence for that and there is evidence against it. If you mean it will make it more difficult for private equity to capture "excess capital", then yes: if everyone getting screamed at by a **** y boss in a **** y job for **** y pay could walk away tomorrow and live a basic life then there would be chaos as they ran away and business collapsed, right? That admits the system requires those people to suffer. If they have an option to walk away then we won't need most worker protections or welfare or unemployment insurance or chip or dozens of programs, we could abolish the minimum wage, etc etc etc

 @9M77TBS from Florida disagreed…4wks4W

There have been multiple studies and the only people who didn’t work were ones trying to find a better job now that they have the money to be able to wait and find a job that’s actually good for them

 @9LY95DN from Connecticut disagreed…1mo1MO

There is currently not enough protection for the average American worker. Something needs to be done to ensure a standard of living.

 @9L7JQ9T from Oklahoma disagreed…2mos2MO

People naturally want to work, as it's baked into our genetics. That, and every single study that has been done has shown that work attendance does not get altered before and after a Universal Basic Income. All it will do is make it viable to be unemployed or on low employment income without worrying about funds for food and shelter.

 @9L22HCW from California disagreed…2mos2MO

It will be much harder for someone to drag themselves out of a bad situation and be able to get a job and focus on their work and be productive, when they are hungry, or sick, or cold, or sleep-deprived, for example, so Universal Basic Income can help provide the right conditions for people to do their best work. Even though Universal Basic Income can provide for people's basic needs, if they want anything on top of that, they would still need to get a job and work to make that money in order for them to be able to afford the things and the life they want, which is a powerful motivator.

 @9K66N8HIndependent  from Kentucky disagreed…3mos3MO

The Universal Basic Income will enhance equity amongst every citizen and making our society more affordable to live in.

 @9HYNGWN  from Virginia disagreed…5mos5MO

The rate of technological development and AI replacement of American workers will eventually necessitate basic needs being met economically. Also, people are naturally incentivized to work. Those who do not contribute when they can should be penalized.

 @9HR9QY3 from Ohio disagreed…5mos5MO

Universal income would eliminate other public entities. They would no longer be needed because this universal basic income would be a collection for everything. They would be eliminated.

 @9HQRK5Z from Tennessee disagreed…5mos5MO

Universal Basic Income serves as a ground floor for survival. The American ideal is to progress and thrive economically. With basic survival (food and housing) paid for, other income can be used to actually better your life and your community. More folks will be able to build generational wealth as well as to rise out of poverty.

 @9HLWQ69Libertarian from Ohio agreed…6mos6MO

This will cripple the economy by making it nearly impossible for customer service based industries to stay in business, therefore also making it impossible for those services to be provided. With all their financial needs met, people will have no incentive or desire to work in these industries. The majority of people working in these industries do so in order to make a living, not out of love for the job, as these jobs are often extremely stressful and undesirable.

 @9LSR4K9 from Nevada disagreed…1mo1MO

People that currently have more than enough money don’t just stop working as soon as they hit a certain amount. The majority of people will continue to try to improve their situation.

 @9LQFC55Socialist from Oklahoma disagreed…1mo1MO

This would not harm economic growth but instead boost it with more people working, if we don’t change the minimum wage people will stop working because there would be no different between working and not working in regards to income.

 @9JGKZ72Libertarian from California disagreed…4mos4MO

Current studies on UBI have not shown a reduction in the will to work nor have seen a decrease in economic growth.


It is entirely reasonable for people to no longer work if the jobs they filled barely contributed anything to the economy. Filling the workforce with less "filler jobs" helps to streamline the workforce to optimize for economic growth, and frees the time of those who previously worked these filler jobs to dedicate their time to something else or develop a skill to help contribute to the economy in other ways.

 @9FWVLP5Democratfrom Guam disagreed…8mos8MO

UBI is the best way to end poverty. This will only cover the bare minimum and will not discourage people to work. The goverment could cut some welfare programs and increase taxes on the rich to pay for this.

 @9FW6CZ4 from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

Economic growth harms the environment and prioritzes the accumilation of Capital over the well being of the planet.

 @9GBDTKP from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes, people have to work two or three jobs to afford their daily necessities on top of bills and whatever else. Some people may be lazy but for the most part, it will help so many people.

 @9FNZHJKSocialist from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

The same could be said about the crazy expensiveness of college and the amounts of debt students need to pay. People get stuck in a loop of "not educated enough to work, not wealthy enough to go to school" that should not exist

 @9FNMLMLLibertarian from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

A UBI would allow people to take up responsibilities and work that they previously couldn't: start a business, take care of a family member, volunteer.


how does it harm economic growth to help those who are out of a job or who are unable to get one due to personal circumstance? universal basic income helps everyone that needs it and does not stunt the economie as they government recives enough money in taxes to afford this.

 @9FNBLMMfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

A UBI would allow people to take up responsibilities and work that they previously couldn't: start a business, take care of a family member, volunteer.

 @9G3468YRepublican from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

Shown in welfare or obama care where people rely on it for a living instead of using it as a bounce back. Funding for welfare and obama care comes from the high taxes that middle class people are paying. They pay these taxes to help welfare. but they receive nothing in return since they aren't the ones dependent on welfare.

 @9FRWLF8Progressive from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I was thinking that the universal basic income would be for people who are currently working that need a little extra help with buying their needs

 @9N4ZXVPLibertarian from Illinois agreed…5 days5D

Universal Basic Income would be difficult to implement on a country of 330 million people. Most European countries with more generous welfare states maintain them through higher tax rates & stricter immigration controls.


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