Try the political quiz

57 Replies

 @9FG2GZ6 disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

No U.S. citizen should have to go thorugh atleast one year of military service because many kids when they reach their teen years, know what they wanna do with their life and may not need that year of training for something that'll set them back in life.

 @9FG476MDemocrat from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

I agree that military service should never be mandatory. It should be a choice to join as it's not an environment that is fit for everyone. Not all people are fit for that kind of rigidity and intensity.

 @9FFYFK2Democrat from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Some people wouldn't be able to, or wouldn't want to, go out for months at a time away from their family and potentially endanger their lives.

 @9F7V4HZ from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Some people are not psychologically or physically prepared for the military, and people who are doing good for society and making a living should not be stripped from that

 @9FGS3G9Independent from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

18-year-olds should focus on college after school unless they really desire to do military service it serves no purpose to force people who are 18 to have at least 2 years of military service.

 @9MKVSV7Independent from Minnesota agreed…2wks2W

Two years is a good balance between not enough time and too much time. They will still live a long life after without being burned out, while still reaping the benefits (mentally) of military service.

 @9M9ZRFSAmerican Solidarity from Alaska agreed…4wks4W

A single year is not enough for mandatory service since training can take anywhere between four months to two years depending on the job. Thus, mandatory service should be at least four years so that the conscripted can actually serve rather than just do basic training, tech school, and then leave within a few months. It simply just does not make any sense for mandatory service to just be a year.

 @9LZGQ7G from Arizona agreed…1mo1MO

It is your patriotic duty as an American citizen to support and defend these United States of America that have nurtured and protected you throughout your life. If you've never wanted to join the military at some point in your life, you are nothing less than a traitor to your own country.

 @9LWMSXHDemocrat  from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

We already know that the vast majority of kids are NOT ready for college and all the rest either can’t afford to go or are not interested in going. We also know that the human brain doesn’t fully mature until early twenties and a short two years of military training will vastly improve that. Once they are out they will not only be more mature but will qualify for the college fund. I believe if we did this many more people would graduate college and it’s a flat fact that a better educated public is a better country. Finally if we had this in place and we go to war or something similar our people would far more ready. That readiness shows the world how much stronger we are as a nation. Look at Israel, they do this and as small as they are they don’t take **** from anyone. I am absolutely convinced this program would work.

 @9GFRDHS from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

kids nowadays need discipline, look at most tiktok 18 - 30 year olds recording themselves doing stupid **** , we need to preemptively correct them

 @9GDLXG4  from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

Citizenship should be considered a privilege, not a fundamental right. The privilege should be earned through service. This is true for all people, immigrants and native born. The country needs a unifying force, and young individuals need a sense of purpose. For many, Mandatory Service provides both. However, I believe in public service alternatives for those who recoil at the military's necessarily violent programs.

 @9F8QM48 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe that there should be more than 2 years of service as not everyone will fully understand the laws and regulations after only 2 years.


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