Try the political quiz

171 Replies

 @9GYLMYJ  from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

If you are not a citizen then why do you get the same rights, that would be like if we went over to a club we are not involved in and started trying to tell them what to do.

 @9GYMV9S from Idaho agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this to the fullest extent. if you don't have papers to be in this country then you don't belong here. plain and simple

 @9GYM2LF from California disagreed…7mos7MO

You follow the laws of the country you are currently in, therefore you have the same rights, citizen or not.

 @9GYNLZSPeace and Freedom from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

Foreigners should have the same rights as citizens because this situation is not as simple as going over to a club and changing things. They are living in the U.S. territory and know the situation, and have a understanding of what's happening. then they should be able to talk on it and vote on it. Because who ever gets voted and whatever rules get passed affect them no matter what.

 @9FCFS7WRepublican from Alabama disagreed…9mos9MO

They are not citizens they have no right to choose our government or make decisions about our country.

 @9FBG2WW from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Foreigners have no right to elect an American President unless they are legal and present a valid voter I.D. If not, then one party will appeal more towards the foreigners to turn them into voters to win against the opposing party, thus making the beautiful system of American democracy ultimately useless.

 @9FBR9FF from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Why would a non-citizen be able to decide what goes on in a country that they aren't even supposed to be in, since they didn't come the legal way.

 @9F8YB4S from Rhode Island disagreed…9mos9MO

if they are not citizens of the united states, they should not be able to exercise the rights that are unique to citizens

 @9F9S768 from Arizona disagreed…9mos9MO

Until they can pass a citizenship test to demonstrate their knowledge of US history and politics, foreigners are not ready to make decisions on behalf of US citizens. Furthermore, a nation cannot be governed by outsiders. We do not expect to have a say in the laws and governance of other nations. It's preposterous for a non citizen to vote.

 @9F946LP from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

I completely understand those who want to after living in the US for years, and passing citizenship should be able to vote. But why should people who immigrate be able to vote if they aren't a citizen of the U.S.

 @9F7T3JY from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Why would we let someone who is not a citizen of our country, vote on our leaders? That would be like letting someone who works for Samsung vote for the president of Apple.

 @9FC3ZF4 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

i just dont understand why we let people vote who most likely arent understanding how to vote... and if we allow foreigners to vote what says that political parties wont pay foreigners to come into the United states to vote

 @9F7Z267Democrat from New Jersey agreed…9mos9MO

Foreigners make America work. They undertake all the unwanted jobs.(Farming, Janitor jobs etc.) They do a lot more for this country and are among the most hardworking

 @9F7PKV6from Guam disagreed…9mos9MO

unless they are a citizen, they should not have any influence in making important decisions for the country


if they are not citizens of the united states, they should not be able to excersize the rights that are unique to citizens

 @9F6PHWZ from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

That they’re not citizens of the US and should not have say on who runs the country they are not citizens of

 @9F8587V from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Foreigners should be able to vote because the president of the United States is capable of causing trouble in other places of the world


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