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647 Replies

 @9F7S9DC from Michigan agreed…9mos9MO

Top Agreement

LGBT couples that are just as qualified as straight couples should be given the same opportunity to raise a family and should not be discriminated against for their sexuality.

 @9FDCDTZ from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

I am a Christian am firmly believe that God intentionally designed the family dynamic to establish different, yet cohesive roles for both the mother and a father. I do not feel as if an LGBT couple can properly fit into the roles that are established by a man and woman within marriage, thus taking away critical parental elements from the child.

 @9FDD7ST from Missouri commented…9mos9MO

We have a huge issue with children not being adopted and cared for right now in the foster system. It's all hands on deck as far as I'm concerned.

We should support a "village raising" atmosphere instead of putting down couples or families for what they can't provide. We should openly support all family dynamics and seek up raise them up and make sure the children get what they need. Instead of trying to condemn those who wish to help and want to have a family. I believe in the American right to freedom and pursuit of happiness. If a family would make them happy , who are we to tell them they don't have that right? Instead we should adress and support anything we notice the child is lacking in their support system and foster a view of love like God desires.

 @EqualityGeorgeRepublicanfrom Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

What about the potential psychological and emotional implications for the child raised in a less traditional family dynamic? Some research suggests that children fare best when raised by a mother and a father who can impart different set of skills and perspectives. What are your thoughts on the potential impact on a child's development in a non-traditional family setting? How might society ensure these children receive all necessary emotional and psychological support?


This is a pretty good question actually. Perhaps more research on this subject over the next ten years may prove beneficial.

 @VicunaArianaGreenfrom Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I understand your perspective and respect your religious beliefs. However, it's important to broaden the perspective to include the realities of many children who are in need of a loving and caring home. Research has shown that children raised in same-sex households fare just as well as those raised in heterosexual households in terms of their psychological, social and emotional well-being. For example, a study by the American Psychological Association found no significant differences between children raised by lesbian mothers and those raised by heterosexual parents. So, it might be arg…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Thanks for the lecture, ChatGPT

 @9L5YLGN from Texas disagreed…2mos2MO

Id like to quote you from 6 days ago to see if your views on yapping are. "Unless you count the fact that White, Christian Britain was the First Nation in thousands of years of human existence since Creation to not only question human slavery but to take meaningful action against it, abolishing the Slave Trade throughout the entire Empire in 1807 and banning all slavery, period in 1833 throughout its Empire. It then went through Africa in its colonising expeditions liberating more humane tribes from the savagery of cannibals and slave-driving tribes who oppressed them, hunting down and…  Read more

 @9KSPT95 from North Carolina disagreed…3mos3MO

 @9K2SJT4 from Maine disagreed…3mos3MO

The roles are established by conversations between the parents. Additionally, same-sex coupling is natural and happens in the rest of the animal kingdom - by God's design.

 @9GNKF2NPeace and Freedom from Oregon agreed…7mos7MO

Having loving parents is what a child needs, no matter if their gay or not. a child needs direction and love and i think that anyone can provide that.

 @9GRG6DX from Wisconsin agreed…7mos7MO

Why would someone's capacity to parent be impacted by their sexual orientation at all? There is no reason, in my opinion, to even consider this when considering adoption, unless you are deluded by antiquated preconceptions that all LGBTQ people are pedophiles—a notion that is blatantly false.

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

No, it goes beyond sexual orientation in plain terms and it is certainly NOT, as you say, a matter of being deluded by antiquated preconceptions of LGBTQ people. What it IS a matter of is that the different roles of a father and mother bring unique perspectives into a child's life that allow him or her to both receive love and get a well-rounded experience while growing up. Don't get me wrong - there are a sizable amount of straight couples that are unfit to be parents, and adoption agencies should take this into consideration. But I feel that each individual child at least deserves to personally find out what a qualified (as in able to provide for the child's needs) man and woman can offer them while being raised. And the child arriving at their personal sexual preference should be an entirely separate matter away from this.


"And the child arriving at their personal sexual preference should be an entirely separate matter away from this."

It should be and I agree. And from my personal experience, there are two types of gay/bi people: "Normal" ones who just live their lives like a normal person, don't try to get people to switch sides, and don't go around lobbying for equality and crap because that nonsense is over now (I lean more this way) and the annoying ones (granted, more tq+ hit this but) who constantly denigrate straight people, get really dramatic, and try to force their beliefs on their kids. Let the kid develop himself, don't try to push them. If they're gay, they'll figure it out pal.

 @9HVGGB5 from Florida agreed…5mos5MO

It doesn’t matter who’s a kid’s parent is. As long as the parents provide the kid with a good life, then we’re all good.

 @9GLLV69 from Wisconsin agreed…7mos7MO

There is no substantial proof their parenting is worse and they are far less likely to sexually abuse their kids.

 @9GL8TR7 from New York agreed…7mos7MO

they want kids just as much as someone else might and it doesn't matter as long as the baby gets adopted by a loving family

 @9GL7DKZ from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

The concept that for a child to be raised right they must have the presence of a mother and a father is not based in reality but the placebo affect that is the status quo. Parenting, as a skill, is not based on a mixture of hormones, or feminine and masculine energies; plenty of straight couples don't follow this dynamic. In the same way, not all LGBT couples are two feminine or masculine people. The fact is, regardless of the energies around a child, they should be absorbing a mix of both practical and emotional skills, which anyone can learn to pass on. Nobody knows how to be a parent by default. It takes work, and research, and anyone is capable of this. We should not equivocate good parenting to instinct or anatomy.

 @9GKRBMW from New York agreed…7mos7MO

I think that LGBT people should have the same rights as straight people. They are just as capable of being parents, so there is no reason as to why they shouldn't receive the same rights.

 @9GKFZFH from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

If a same sex couple wishes to have children, they are not able to concive together, but they should still have a right to obtain a child if they show the capibility of taking care of one. Also if we increase the rights of lgbt couples adopting, it would help for more foster care systems to not overcrowd.

 @9GJMWLJ from California agreed…7mos7MO

Why would someone's sexual orientation at all affect their ability to raise children? Unless you are blinded by outdated stereotypes of all LGBTQ members being pedophiles, which is very untrue, I can see no reason to even take this into consideration when looking at adoption.

 @9GJ7899 from Wisconsin agreed…7mos7MO

if the couple has a safe and loving environment, they deserve the rights that a heterosexual relationship has.

 @9G3YKH9Women’s Equality from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

They are adults, if a male couple were to adapt a child I'm positive they have the exact same morals as a straight couple, they would want what is best for their child. Your gender does not matter what so ever.

 @9GNC6FKDemocrat from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

LGBT people should have the same rights as any other person should, if anything, because of the amount of rejection that they face LGBT people will have a better influence in children.

 @9FLTH78 from Utah agreed…8mos8MO

There is no reason to keep this right from them, there are plenty of bad or abusive heterosexual parents but that doesn't mean we need to stop all straight parents from adopting. A bad parent is a bad parent regardless of their gender or sexuality so if a same sex couple aren't being good parents then the problem goes to cps just like any straight couple.

 @9FLSG8WDemocrat from South Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

They are humans, and do all the things any human does and just love the same sex. Just because its not "traditional" doesn't mean its bad, love is love and no one should be ashamed or hated on because of it.

 @9FL3YYJ from Connecticut agreed…8mos8MO

many gay couples want to adopt because they are not able to have children of their own , and because of their state laws they are not able to which is not fair because they are just like everyone else in their state

 @9G63H3Z  from New York agreed…8mos8MO

A parent's gender identity doesn't matter, as long as they are good at parenting. (sorry, short response, tired of typing)

 @9FN6ZKS from California agreed…8mos8MO

Gay couples do not hold to ability to have biological children of their own, and their is a huge number of children wanting a home, there is no reason to keep a couple from becoming a family if they wish.

 @9FLVVWF from Idaho agreed…8mos8MO

The adoption process generally takes anywhere from 6-18 months, although it can take years in some circumstances. In Idaho in particular, children placed for adoption have to live in the family for 6 months before the adoption is finalized. This provides ample opportunities for any concerns to be determined and fixed.

 @9MX3LPW from New Jersey agreed…1wk1W

Limiting who can adopt is unfair to the children in the foster care system who are in need of a stable home. It is a discriminatory practice to limit the adoption rights of LGBT couples and individuals.

 @9L264NK from Illinois agreed…2mos2MO

No, it goes beyond sexual orientation in plain terms and it is certainly NOT, as you say, a matter of being deluded by antiquated preconceptions of LGBTQ people. What it IS a matter of is that the different roles of a father and mother bring unique perspectives into a child's life that allow him or her to both receive love and get a well-rounded experience while growing up. Don't get me wrong - there are a sizable amount of straight couples that are unfit to be parents, and adoption agencies should take this into consideration. But I feel that each individual child at least deserves to personally find out what a qualified (as in able to provide for the child's needs) man and woman can offer them while being raised. And the child arriving at their personal sexual preference should be an entirely separate matter away from this.

 @9KVB3MS from California agreed…3mos3MO

A child would have no less of a chance of being in a safe family with parents who are straight as opposed to parents who are part of the LGBT community.


If you think you can choose what happens to your body and you get to choose who you're with, why cant everyone else?

 @9GN8D66Women’s Equality from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

If a same sex couple wishes to have children, they are not able to concive together, but they should still have a right to obtain a child if they show the capibility of taking care of one. Also if we increase the rights of lgbt couples adopting, it would help for more foster care systems to not overcrowd.

 @9LTV5SC from California agreed…1mo1MO

There are many unhappy children who have split parents who do not have any family structure, on the other hand a gay family allows for a large amount of family structure to be in place that is just a little different from a strait family structure.


THink about this. JUst because there is a women and women married and they of course cant have children does not mean they shouldnt be able to addopt . thats just stupid. every child deserves a family. even if those parents arent a man and women

 @9LTMCQBIndependent from Pennsylvania agreed…1mo1MO

I think it's unconstitutional and un-American to deny someone the right to adopt a child based on sexuality. This country was born from not being able to have your own views and morals it's just plain stupid to be an American and not support same-sex marriage adoptions.

 @9JS78CGIndependent from Pennsylvania agreed…4mos4MO

LGBT couples that are just as qualified as straight couples should be given the same opportunity to raise a family and should not be discriminated against for their sexuality.

 @9JP9V2M from Maryland agreed…4mos4MO

Families can be broaden in varieties and provide a broad perspective for the children being able to witness several posibilities of families, either of a straight couple or a gay couple.

 @9HT9WG7Democratfrom Kansas agreed…5mos5MO

According to the BMJ Global Health Journal from a study from 1989 to 2022, children raised by homosexual couples end up faring at about the same as children raised by heterosexual couples.

 @9GVLHDY from Hawaii disagreed…7mos7MO

It should be okay to be LGBTQ but don't pour it onto the kids minds let them figure out if they want that or not.

 @9GSCB96 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Scientifically proven that sexual orientation does not affect parenting skills. Two parents are better than one, or none.

 @9GS9B74from Guam disagreed…7mos7MO

Advocates for a more cautious approach to LGBT adoption rights might argue that not all prospective adoptive parents are equally equipped to provide the best environment for children. It's important to consider the specific circumstances of each adoption case to ensure that the child's needs are met. In some cases, critics may argue that children benefit from having both male and female role models in their lives and that this should be a factor considered during the adoption process. They may raise concerns about potential psychological or emotional challenges that children may fac…  Read more

 @9GPX2V8 from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I mean there's nothing much to say. Everyone has a right to adopt a child. It's terrible to even think that just because someone is gay, they shouldn't be able to adopt children.

 @9GNSQCFDemocrat from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

LGBT couples that are just as qualified as straight couples should be given the same opportunity to raise a family and should not be discriminated against for their sexuality.

 @9GNQY2Q from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Religion should not be used to define a family unit under the law. LGBT couples are subject to the same standards and review as straight couples when undergoing the adoption processes. It is objectively better for a child to have two loving parents than to stay in the foster system.

 @9GMLJM3 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Gay people are not less likely to be good adoptive parents than straight people, there’s no reason why they should be treated as such

 @9HZFV63Peace and Freedom from California agreed…5mos5MO

Its able to expose children into a new enviroment, sure people would say to not show that to the young eyes, but they are going to be expose to it the moment they enter school- they are also still young, I would perfer children to be expose to a family that is LGBT that is in a friendly envirmorment then any other before many.


A variety of studies reported that 30 to 40 percent of foster children have been arrested since they exited foster care. Over one-fourth have spent at least one night in jail and over 15 percent had been convicted of a crime:


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