Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @93ZRL6SLibertarian from Utah disagreed…2yrs2Y

Too many innocent people have been placed on Do Not Fly lists because their name matches someone else that is a person of interest. The list is asinine.

 @9FN7RMGCommunist from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

The government has weaponized gun control against black Americans for decades and most likely has done the same with the no-fly list

 @9FNGCWMProgressive from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

I don’t have a constitutional right to fly, I have a constitutional right to purchase and own a firearm. The standard of proof to deprive me of my constitutional right should greatly exceed the burden of proof to put me on the no-fly list.

 @9GSFCSQLibertarian from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

The second amendment should be thought of as an absolute freedom ensured and protected by the constitution for all. The founding Fathers of the United States would have been placed on a no fly list by King George and therefore would not have been able to secure their own freedom through arms. That is why we have the second amendment, to ensure our other freedoms and protect us from tyrannical governments.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

That is why we have the second amendment, to ensure our other freedoms and protect us from tyrannical governments.

So why do so many Second Amendment fans defend the opposite?

 @9GZXS75 from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

The No Fly list is a secret list that is being used to restricted constitutional rights. There is no way to redress the matter and no due process is used to put people on in the first place. People are on it because the government thinks they should be. Governmental incompetence can easily be a problem, just ask Cat Stevens (the singer). Just by virtue of the lack of due process, the list is unconstitutional. It should be made public and given a means to contend listings. Restricting someone's right to gun ownership based on such a list is unconstitutional.

 @9NC6VJ8 from Massachusetts disagreed…2 days2D

The No-Fly list is a violation of the fifth amendment because it is a punishment rendered with no due process.

 @9FM3XNJ from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

If a person is seen as so dangerous they are not allowed to get on a plane, they should not be allowed to purchase any weapon. Not just guns, just any point blank. To prevent the person from potentially harming anyone.


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