Try the political quiz

25 Replies

 @9FRDVZT from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

NASA deserves to be able to explore space. We need to find out more about or solar system so that we can be protected from it and be able to find a new home other than earth in case it fails.

  @DanielKolbin1105Independent  from Indiana commented…8mos8MO

I definitely agree figuring out the universe and exploring matters, but we should also focus on solving problems here on Earth which I don't think we aren't doing enough of.

 @WelfareKangaroofrom Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

That's a valid point, but it's crucial to remember that many advancements from space research have led to solutions for earthly problems. For instance, technology developed for Mars rovers has been adapted to create autonomous vehicles that could revolutionize transportation. Do you think there's a way to strike a balance between space exploration and addressing earthly concerns, such as using space technology for Earth's benefit?


I think that learning where we are and figuring out the universe we live in matters a lot. I also think with exploration of space we can develop technology, prevent us from things like astroids and possible eruptions.

 @9GTTSNKIndependent from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Space travel has, in the past, given the general public insurmountable good in terms of scientific and technological advancements. It is also our duty to expand into space in order to ensure more economic opportunities in the extreme long term.

 @9GN9Z7B from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

Space exploration reaserch has developed very important technologies we use every day regardless of space exploration. We know a lot more because of space exploration. Its also a place of untapped potential

 @9MMWPPV from Pennsylvania disagreed…2wks2W

Our ability to improve our lives with technology is first found by developing technologies for environments like space.

  @Spartan0536 from Florida disagreed…2wks2W

NASA and space exploration have done many things for us technologically and continue to do so, far beyond what the Apollo and Space Shuttle programs have done.

 @9L36YS8 from Florida disagreed…2mos2MO

I think that the exploration of space could give us insight on how to save the Earth idk. Im biased tho 💯

 @9KYLN43Democrat from Minnesota disagreed…3mos3MO

NASA has given us life changing technology despite a small budget since the space race. Give Space exploration what it really needs, and you'll see where it takes us.

 @9KKD4Q6Republican from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Why would we not discover more of space around us? We may be able to find key elements for why we are the way we are

 @9KKBNKZ  from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

Funding space travel could have far reaching benefits from locating resources that aren’t as abundant on earth, developing technology that can withstand harsh environments, learning more about the universe and how it functions, as well as how life on other planets come to be and survive, thus helping us with issues that may be unforeseen right now.

 @9KK5QTR from Utah disagreed…3mos3MO

NASA's funding is only half a percent of our government funding, and satellites can help with things that happen on Earth, too.

 @9J3476Q from Florida disagreed…5mos5MO

We as an advancing civilization must put our petty differences as side strive to explore our solar system. Establishing colonies on the Moon and Mars (for humankind, not any specific nation) should be one of humanities top priorities.

 @9H3ZP35 from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Man has spread and conquered since the beginning of time. We should not limit ourselves because we never have and never will. Besides, every time we explore and find new things, our lives have improved. If we didnt, we would still live in mud huts and barely speak. We must evolve and adapt or die.


The government needs to fund space travel because of the benefits our country gets from the research.

 @9G9ZJJW from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Space exploration is incredibly important and is going to be very helpful to us finding solutions to saving our planet.

 @9GYS85R from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

With how fast our technology is advancing, our waste is bound to rise exponentially alongside it. If we fund space travel, we have a fallback of possible habitable planets in case we can't find a solution to our problems here on Earth.

 @9GVV7KBProgressive from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

People do not realize how vital it is for our country to be increasing it's scientific standing in the world. It provides inspiration and motivation for aspiring innovators.

 @9LXK8W6 from Guam disagreed…1mo1MO

By exploring things in space, we can help things here on earth. The more we learn the more we grow, and the more we can develop our technologies and solve problems on earth.

Imagine if our ancestors said, "Why should we mess around, exploring the ocean, when we have so many problems here on the land?"

And even if there's no financial benefit, like some quick payoff, aren't you just curious? Don't you have some burning questions you want answered? Isn't it our duty, as humans, to ask these questions?

 @9M4JZG6  from Indiana disagreed…1mo1MO

If it weren’t for space exploration funding, you wouldn’t have GPS, velcro, and miniaturized computer chips. Our society wouldn’t just be decades behind technologically we’d be lacking a foundational aspect of the human experience: exploration. Philosophically we do it to uncover the mysteries of the universe. Economically we do it for the good of all mankind, and those who do it will be richer for it. Trust me, the money spent on space exploration has a much more outsized impact on our life than do social programs of similar costs.

 @9LW27C3 from California disagreed…1mo1MO

Space exploration and knowing more about the universe we live in is key to our development as a society, and without innovation and discovery, the country will be stuck in time.

 @78MRXTHIndependent  from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Nearly 4.7 % of Earth's greenhouse emissions are a result of Earth-based mining operations. Maintaining a pro-space approach will help us utilize expansive resources in space that will cut down on pollution. Additionally, with an accumulation of abundant rare earth metals...we'll be able to cheaply and more efficiently produce technologies that can both save and improve the quality of life on Earth. Additionally, there are so many additional applications for technologies that were originally developed for space travel that were reverse-engineered to help ordinary people. Example: A coolant pump design on the Mars biking lander was used in creating the first commercial insulin pump for Type 1 Diabetics.

 @9GRPV8LProgressive from Alabama disagreed…7mos7MO

Why do you hate humanity? Seriously, why? Space Exploration is the pinnacle of human curiosity, it has lead to fantastic advancements in technology and science and has pushed the boundaries of what has been thought possible. As you spew this nonsense from your mouth there are dedicated people aboard the ISS doing research to better our lives down here. People will be going to the Moon to find out more about the solar system's past. Scientific probes have brought back samples of other worlds, telescopes have wowed us with beautiful discoveries and photographs of the universe. Rovers drive…  Read more

 @9GRCVCTIndependent from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

Knowing more about the planets and system around us can help us make opportunities if the worse come to worse for the planet.


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